Hello everyone,
Using the following command
ffmpeg -i C:/testcut.mov -filter:v "select='gt(scene,0.14)',showinfo" -vsync 0 C:/frames_%02d.jpg
I am able to generate a thumbnail everytime there is a cut in the video "testcut.mov"
I am trying to use the custom FFMPeg encoder in ffastrans and pasting "-filter:v "select='gt(scene,0.14)',showinfo" -vsync 0" in the options. but I cannot get anything to work.
The end result I am looking for is to create a watch folder when I drop a video into that folder, the custom ffmpeg command will run and generate thumbnails based on the code I provided above.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance for your help
FFMPEG Thumbnail creation based on cuts script Question
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Fri Feb 17, 2017 6:05 pm
Re: FFMPEG Thumbnail creation based on cuts script Question
Hi twincalibr, thank you for using FFAStrans and welcome to the forum!
I'm afraid the custom ffmpeg encoder does not deal very with specifying you own output. FFAStrans normaly takes care of that but not in this case. For now I would advise you to use the "Command executor"-node instead. Use this command:
%comspec% /c ""%s_ffmpeg%" -i "%s_original_full%" -filter:v "select='gt(scene,0.14)',showinfo" -vsync 0 "C:\frames_%02d.jpg""
%s_ffmpeg% is the placeholder/variable for the shiped ffmpeg.exe and %s_original_full% is the file submitted by the folder monitor.
This will do exactly what you want and you will even get status update in the monitor. Please note that you will not be using the folder destination node to deliver the jpg as this is done directly in the ffmpeg command. Also, I would advise you to use variables to contruct output-names, f.ex:
%comspec% /c ""%s_ffmpeg%" -i "%s_original_full%" -filter:v "select='gt(scene,0.14)',showinfo" -vsync 0 "C:\%s_original_name%_frames_%02d.jpg""
Hope this helps.
I'm afraid the custom ffmpeg encoder does not deal very with specifying you own output. FFAStrans normaly takes care of that but not in this case. For now I would advise you to use the "Command executor"-node instead. Use this command:
%comspec% /c ""%s_ffmpeg%" -i "%s_original_full%" -filter:v "select='gt(scene,0.14)',showinfo" -vsync 0 "C:\frames_%02d.jpg""
%s_ffmpeg% is the placeholder/variable for the shiped ffmpeg.exe and %s_original_full% is the file submitted by the folder monitor.
This will do exactly what you want and you will even get status update in the monitor. Please note that you will not be using the folder destination node to deliver the jpg as this is done directly in the ffmpeg command. Also, I would advise you to use variables to contruct output-names, f.ex:
%comspec% /c ""%s_ffmpeg%" -i "%s_original_full%" -filter:v "select='gt(scene,0.14)',showinfo" -vsync 0 "C:\%s_original_name%_frames_%02d.jpg""
Hope this helps.