Deinterlacing Problem with .ts files,

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Deinterlacing Problem with .ts files,

Post by salter001 »


I'm trying to convert recordings from a vu+ box that records .ts files to h.264 .mp4 files. As those are TV-recordings, they are obviously interlaced.

I am having problems correctly deinterlacing those files. I have tried multiple methods:
  • First, I simply tried converting it without any filter (basically just the h.264 node with field set to "progressive". That produces a video that is mostly deinterlaced, but it has some weird interlacing artifacts in some fast movement (not all of them)
  • Then I tried the "Deinterlace" filter in conjuction with the "A/V Media" node. I tried the "Yadif" mode, that produces again some weird interlacing artifacts in some fast movement (not all of them). I also tried the "bob" mode, that produces no interlacing artifacts but it produces sometimes weird "double images" in fast movements
Do you know of any issues with the deinterlacing methods? I can provide screenshots, if you want to.

I am on version


PS: Thanks for your great work with ffastrans!
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Re: Deinterlacing Problem with .ts files,

Post by silicontrip »

Try writing the video format out to a text file to check that the decoderis correctly recognising the source material is interlaced. I've got some workflows that force some settings if the clips are incorrectly identified.

My workflow is to produce 25i TFF(or 50i depending on if you write frame rate or field rate) For material that is BFF I run it through a de-interlace (yadif 2x) which will produce a double frame rate progressive clip, convert to 50p (if not already) then decimate to 25i.
I've not encountered any artifacts encoding this way.
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Re: Deinterlacing Problem with .ts files,

Post by admin »

Hi salter001, thank you for using FFAStrans and welcome to the forum! :-)

All smart deinterlacers (not the ones that blends or throw frames) creates artifacts but are mostly not very visible. Are you sure the artifacts does not come from the encoding, or the source and not the processing? Also, does the artifacts show if bypassing the A/V decoder and just let the h264 encoder do the job?

Silicontrip: Do you have any sample files to share that are incorrectly detected?

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