Advanced overlay

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Advanced overlay

Post by momocampo »

Hello Steinar and others,

I wonder if FFastrans could be use to overlay logos, wipes,etc more advanced . We can do it with filter "videolayer" but this filter is really simple.
Ok, FFastrans isn't after effect but maybe it can be easy to integrate a tool to write a text or overlay other formats (avi is quite old...).
To be honest, it will be very useful to have a kind of "title tool" or a special tool to integrate psd, ai, video with alpha,etc.
Maybe it's too complicated but I just ask.

Thanks :)


Last edited by momocampo on Thu Jan 24, 2019 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Developed overlay

Post by emcodem »

Unfortunately i don't know any ready built tool for that, it always comes down to development, e.g. using opencv in python (oh, i recognize there is currently no way for analyzing, so connecting to opencv might be even more interesting than just overlays, but on the other hand opencv can already be used as commandline)
By the way, your title is a little misleading, i guess "Advanced" would be a good word to express what you are after :-)

Hmmm i could propbably easily develop an avisynth source plugin or ffmpeg filter that accepts html+javascript as source, that way you would build your overlay using html and javascript language, a technique they seem to use more and more these days. But help me, in former days they used flash (swf) for this kind of stuff, then there are propreitary systems that of course introduce their own propreitary language.
I'd like to find something those systems have in common so someone who is already experienced with this kind of stuff can easily use it.
emcodem, wrapping since 2009 you got the rhyme?
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Re: Advanced overlay

Post by momocampo »

You're right emcodem, advanced is the word.... Sorry. (post edited)
Anyway, it was a dream but I have to try different things with videolayer and watermark nodes.
Thanks for your opinion emcodem.

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Re: Advanced overlay

Post by admin »

Building a title tool is quite a complex task and I don't think it will see the light of day unless 1) You find an existing tool that is free and is easily incorporated as an "add-on" for FFAStrans. 2) Someone is willing to pay a small plethora of $ for it. Other than that you have the option to use AviSynth-scripts straight from within FFAStrans. That is quite a powerfull thing but it lacks the nice GUI and so you need to get your hands dirty.

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