Hello all,
Well I just came back and I see there is some news, coooll.
I've read your posts and I'm sorry but I really don't see what is the usefulness of convert some mxf opatom to aaf...
Please Taner, can you tell me how you use it? And more, why you use it?
Thanks guys
(And well done emcodem!)
emcodem wrote: ↑Thu Jun 27, 2019 7:21 am
Great, thanks for your help Taner.
Next week (hopefully) i'll add some functionality for error handling and to accept a folder as input parameter, so the program adds all files in this folder so it can easily be used after a transcode node in ffastrans.
Hello Harald,
Thats fantastic news.
Thanks a lot!!
I'm not sure what you mean about this question: What about those the linked paths... is it needed to have some program that is able to change the linked paths or so?
The linked paths in an aaf file contain an absolute path including drive letter/servername and folders.
Is there a need to just change those paths in existing aaf files or does avid not care abput the paths as long as the aaf and files are in the same directory as the aaf itself?
Also, @ghatis @momocampo and all others:
Assumed we can process aaf complex sequence files, but only render the sequence including audio video cuts, no effects... would that be of any use?
...rebuilding effects is the one thing that would never work 100÷ correctly an it would take days or weeks per each single effect to reverse engineer and check out how to do it with ffmpeg, including all possible settings of course.
I think if we calculate our effects BEFORE sending the sequence maybe it will work. Let's try with a simple sequence with cuts and we will see.
I will really happy if we can encode a sequence from Avid with only an AAF.
Hm, interesting, you can calculate the Effects only - without creating a totally new Version of the Clip?
We need to engineer a little around this: could you please create a simple sequence with 2 clips and on one clip you apply some effect like color conversion? Then export one aaf BEFORE you cacluated the Effects and one AFTER you calculated them?
Ok no problem, I will do that. Honestly maybe it will work because if you calculate your effect, Avid create a file. If you don't calculate the effect, Avid shows effect only in real time (no file creation).
I send you the aaf soon.
Great examples, thanks a lot!
Yeah, i see it references a new clip in the sequence after rendering the effects.
Let me come up with some proof of concept for this, unfortunately it will take a while ^^
maybe it is more interesting to add a dissolve (10 frames or so) in the middle of two clips. Avid creates an additional file - the dissolve. In the end there are three clips. [clip1] [dissolve] [clip2].
It is possible to distinguish between captured or imported and rendered clips by using ffprobe. rendered clips have "TAG:reel_name=Precompute Source Mob" in the ffprobe-output. I provide a full log from a dissolve.