Hello Steipal,
Need your help on below issue.
Have one Apple ProRes HQ HD MOV file in 29.970 Interlace format as per below cadence pattern.
Some shots in 2:2:2:4, some are 3:2 and some are in 2:2. Most of the shots are fast moving shots and some are graphics. My purpose is to remove 2:2:2:4 and 3:2 cadence and transcode to APR HQ HD 29.970 progressive format.
I am not sure how can I use TIVTC or any other filter using AVISynth to correct the cadence issue. Is it possible to correct the cadence in one go?
Kindly suggest.
Multi Cadence Issue
Re: Multi Cadence Issue
I haven't looked so much into this so for me it's more of a question for Google, if you know what I mean As this question is not particular for FFAStrans, I would appreciate if you do what I would have to do; use Google, and came up with a working example of what you want to accomplish using AviSynth or/and FFmpeg. Then we can have a look at how to utilized that in FFAStrans. Kindly read this post: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=235