This is one of some options that deprecated in the 0.6.3 release. For others options like del,copy,move original file, there's substitution function at command executor, but for "copy failed" subs option, I can't find one.
I need this function for my "delete original" group of workflow, so that I can quickly analyse if there's an error.
Copy Failed
Re: Copy Failed
You need to set the "Command executor" to execute on error: (The input connector set to red)
This will copy the original if the workflow fails and omit it if it's a success. Hope this clarifies -steipal
Re: Copy Failed
These deprecated features made sense when one workflow could only have one outcome. But from 0.6.0, one workflow can contain many different sub-workflows doing different things with different outcome. So moving/copying/deleting original in a failed job to one path would maybe not make sense in another sub-workflow within the same workflow where you don't want this to happen.
Also, it's a design thing; I want all processing of media done with visual nodes, not in the generic workflow settings. They don't belong there in the new versions.
In addition, I want the user to be very aware of what he/she is doing when deleting originals. I did not want an option to delete critical media as an inbuilt function in FFAStrans.
The new approach is more also more flexible because the process can kick in at any time, and not only at the end of a job.
Hope this somewhat clarify?
Also, it's a design thing; I want all processing of media done with visual nodes, not in the generic workflow settings. They don't belong there in the new versions.
In addition, I want the user to be very aware of what he/she is doing when deleting originals. I did not want an option to delete critical media as an inbuilt function in FFAStrans.
The new approach is more also more flexible because the process can kick in at any time, and not only at the end of a job.
Hope this somewhat clarify?