OK, i removed the restriction on posting links in the forum, it doesnt really make sense. Also i raised the allowed attachments from 3 to 10.
Thats really good info Ghtais, we are still working on this hehe... just know for now that setting min and qmax too small, depending on the complexity of the input file, you can get an output file with far too much bitrate, e.g. 100Mbit/s. So if you go with such low settings, make sure you do a rough check of the final output filesize vs duration in order to see if the estimated overall bitrate (video+audios+mxf overhead) isn't exceeded a lot.
Again, We still work on that quality topic and get back to you with our results but this is more like a mit-long term thing, no quick result is expected here.
On copying audio, well if the input is pcm_s24le and the output is as well, it is effectively copied. Otherwise, you can specify -c:a copy instead of course. It all depends on the number of track of input and output file. If it shall be the same, you just do -map 0:a -codec copy
On rewrapping in a second step, i am not sure what you are after.
Let's for example start with the same command i posted above:
Code: Select all
cmd /C ""%s_ffmpeg%" -nostdin -hide_banner -analyzeduration 33554432 -i "%s_source%" -shortest -map_metadata -1 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map 0:2 -map 0:3 -map 0:4 -map 0:5 -map 0:5 -map 0:7 -map 0:8 -c:a pcm_s24le -vf "il=l=d:c=d,colorspace=fast=1:all=bt709:format=yuv422p:ispace=bt709:itrc=bt709:iprimaries=bt709,il=l=i:c=i,fps=25,setfield=tff,setdar=16/9,setsar=1" -timecode 01:00:00:00 -c:v mpeg2video -r 25 -pix_fmt yuv422p -aspect 16:9 -intra_vlc 1 -b:v 50000000 -minrate 50000000 -maxrate 50000000 -bf 2 -bufsize 17825792 -rc_init_occupancy 17825792 -non_linear_quant 1 -color_primaries bt709 -color_trc bt709 -colorspace bt709 -seq_disp_ext 1 -video_format component -color_range 1 -chroma_sample_location topleft -signal_standard 4 -dc 8 -qmin 5 -qmax 23 -g 12 -field_order tt -top 1 -alternate_scan 1 -intra_matrix 8,10,22,27,29,37,37,40,9,12,14,28,29,37,39,40,9,14,27,31,34,37,40,48,12,22,27,29,34,37,40,58,26,27,29,34,37,38,48,58,26,27,29,36,38,38,48,69,18,27,34,36,38,38,48,69,26,26,34,34,38,40,58,79 -inter_matrix 16,20,22,26,28,32,32,36,18,20,22,28,28,32,34,36,18,22,26,30,30,32,36,38,20,22,26,28,30,32,36,42,24,26,28,30,32,34,38,40,24,26,28,32,34,34,38,42,24,26,30,32,34,34,38,42,24,24,30,30,34,36,40,44 -f mxf -max_muxing_queue_size 700 -map_metadata -1 -metadata "creation_time=now" -b_strategy 0 -sc_threshold 1000000000 -flags +ildct+ilme+cgop -mpv_flags +strict_gop -y - | "%s_ffastrans_dir%\Processors\mxf_tools\bmxtranswrap.exe" -t rdd9 -o "%s_source%_transcoded.mxf" -"
splitting that into 2 steps, would mean to first transcode and write to file _transcoded.mxf:
Code: Select all
cmd /C ""%s_ffmpeg%" -nostdin -hide_banner -analyzeduration 33554432 -i "%s_source%" -shortest -map_metadata -1 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map 0:2 -map 0:3 -map 0:4 -map 0:5 -map 0:5 -map 0:7 -map 0:8 -c:a pcm_s24le -vf "il=l=d:c=d,colorspace=fast=1:all=bt709:format=yuv422p:ispace=bt709:itrc=bt709:iprimaries=bt709,il=l=i:c=i,fps=25,setfield=tff,setdar=16/9,setsar=1" -timecode 01:00:00:00 -c:v mpeg2video -r 25 -pix_fmt yuv422p -aspect 16:9 -intra_vlc 1 -b:v 50000000 -minrate 50000000 -maxrate 50000000 -bf 2 -bufsize 17825792 -rc_init_occupancy 17825792 -non_linear_quant 1 -color_primaries bt709 -color_trc bt709 -colorspace bt709 -seq_disp_ext 1 -video_format component -color_range 1 -chroma_sample_location topleft -signal_standard 4 -dc 8 -qmin 5 -qmax 23 -g 12 -field_order tt -top 1 -alternate_scan 1 -intra_matrix 8,10,22,27,29,37,37,40,9,12,14,28,29,37,39,40,9,14,27,31,34,37,40,48,12,22,27,29,34,37,40,58,26,27,29,34,37,38,48,58,26,27,29,36,38,38,48,69,18,27,34,36,38,38,48,69,26,26,34,34,38,40,58,79 -inter_matrix 16,20,22,26,28,32,32,36,18,20,22,28,28,32,34,36,18,22,26,30,30,32,36,38,20,22,26,28,30,32,36,42,24,26,28,30,32,34,38,40,24,26,28,32,34,34,38,42,24,26,30,32,34,34,38,42,24,24,30,30,34,36,40,44 -f mxf -max_muxing_queue_size 700 -map_metadata -1 -metadata "creation_time=now" -b_strategy 0 -sc_threshold 1000000000 -flags +ildct+ilme+cgop -mpv_flags +strict_gop -y "%s_source%_transcoded.mxf""
And after that, do the wrapping
Code: Select all
"%s_ffastrans_dir%\Processors\mxf_tools\bmxtranswrap.exe" -t rdd9 -o "%s_source%_rewrapped.mxf" %s_source%_transcoded.mxf"
Lemme know if this is what you need!