Would somebody please tell me what are the correct settings I should use in Adobe Premier to export an AVI with transparency?
I tried quite a few settings over the last hour and had no success.
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ffmpeg -i E:\temp\kf\WIPE02_KEY.mxf -filter_complex format=yuva444p,mergeplanes=0x03010200:yuva444p[4c];[4c]alphaextract -c:v prores_ks -pix_fmt yuva444p10le e:\temp\kf\withalpha.mov
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ffmpeg -i e:\temp\kf\WIPE02_KEY.mxf -i E:\temp\kf\WIPE02_FILL.mxf -filter_complex format=yuva444p,mergeplanes=0x03010200:yuva444p[4c];[4c]alphaextract[1c];[1][1c]alphamerge[out] -map [out] -c:v rawvideo -pix_fmt rgba e:\temp\kf\merged.avi
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ffmpeg -y -i e:\5.1.mp4 -i e:\temp\kf\merged.avi -filter_complex [0][1]overlay[v1] -map [v1] -map 0:a -c:a copy -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -shortest e:\temp\kf\finaloutput.mp4
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ffmpeg -loop 1 -i Desktop\transparent.png -r 30 -pix_fmt yuva420p c:\temp\transpavideo.webm
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m_clip = ConvertTo8Bit(m_clip)
videolayer = FFVideoSource("C:\Users\emcod\Desktop\transparent.webm").converttorgb32().LanczosResize(m_clip.Width, m_clip.Height).ConvertFPS(m_clip.FrameRate)
audiolayer = BlankClip(m_clip, length = videolayer.FrameCount, color=$000000)
medialayer = AudioDub(videolayer, audiolayer)
m_clip = ConvertToRGB32(m_clip)
m_clip = Layer(m_clip,medialayer, "add", Round(254))
m_clip = ConvertToYUV444(m_clip)
Return m_clip