I looked at the original file and it looks like a very normal
OpenGOP XDCAM-50 file.
I ran it through the decoder and it detected the following issues/abnormalities:
- Found at least one B frame without second reference in a
non closed GOP
At this point, all that was left was to run it through different indexers and see whether there was an issue or not.
Indexing it using LWLibavVideoSource() shows three different fields at 374, 375, 376, namely 00:00:14.96, 00:00:15:00, 00:00:15:04 and the same goes for FFVideoSource().
Now, in FFAStrans, the A/V Decoder uses the following command settings for your file to be precise:
Code: Select all
FFVideoSource("A:\MEDIA\temp\test01-190224-01source.MXF", fpsnum=25 , fpsden=1, seekmode=1)
This was tested with ffms2 1357+36 1c0dcfa (1393) from January 6th, 2024.
FFAStrans is shipping with that very same version.
I decided to make a comparison between the original source and your encoded file hoping to see duplicated frames.
Stacking them horizontally shows movement in both clips at 374, 375, 376
Code: Select all
StackHorizontal(source, encoded)
however by going back and forth this way I could actually manage to find a repeated frame: 401.
Frame 401 at 00:00:16:04
I've seen these kind of errors before in indexers, however while ffms2 is generally very fragile (and repeats the previous frame whenever it finds some issues), libav tends to cope better, so I repeated the test with:
Code: Select all
LWLibavVideoSource("A:\MEDIA\temp\test01-190224-01source.MXF", fpsnum=25, fpsden=1)
and it didn't show the issue.
Unfortunately I don't have a solution right now 'cause this needs to be fixed by Steve, so I reported everything to him and I'm now waiting for him to reply. Thank you for reporting this, by the way, it really helps whenever issues are discovered in indexers and it's something I'm very passionate about.
I'll let you know as soon as Steve replies.