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Re: separate video and sound sources, frame sequences

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 1:30 pm
by screenshaper
Had no luck with the command you suggested.
Tried adapting it to my name scheme.
The outcome is always "Invalid file! Could not process."

It is not clear to me the notation with dots and semicolons in "-map 1:0.0:0", no mention of it in the ffmpeg documentation.
Will try again later.

Re: separate video and sound sources, frame sequences

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 10:13 am
by admin
I'll be the first to admit that FFAStrans does not have a very good way of dealing with this issue and it's something I will try to address soon. The problem is that there is no universal approach to this kind of workflow, unless all the files are delivered by a system that has a very spesific file structure. F.ex. the next major version of FFAStrans will support monitoring Panasonic P2 file structure that has separate audio, video and .xml files as metadata.

However, I've got the workflow working but it needs to monitor proper mediafiles or else you will get the error message you got. I think the best way is to monitor audio files and make sure these are the last to be written to your monitor folder.

FFmpeg documentation can be very confusing and FFmpeg has several ways of dealing with mapping. This approach is correct and it gives you the ability to specifiy which input stream goes to which output stream.


Re: separate video and sound sources, frame sequences

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 1:16 pm
by screenshaper
admin wrote: Also, please note that you can use the supplied video and audio options in the "Custom FFmpeg"-encoder. You must only use the command-line and extension.
Do you mean I can or I can't use the supplied options?

Re: separate video and sound sources, frame sequences

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 10:22 pm
by admin
Holy cow, bad typo! :oops: Sorry, you can't.

Well, of course you can but in your case it probably would be counterproductive.
