Error output in txt file

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Re: Error output in txt file

Post by Larsdp »

Thanks it works now :-) FFtrans i really powerfull if you know how. Is there any recommended coding language to learn to get an better idea of it all?
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Re: Error output in txt file

Post by emcodem »

Hehe nice!

No to be honest this was one of the most complex "programmish" things that you can do as ffastrans user. It's called Ternary ... ernary.htm
Of course you could also just have taken lots of conditional nodes but if you check lots of different parameters, the workflow would get very soon very messy.

All other stuff in that area is done using "functions", those are well documented on our wiki.
After all ffastrans is designed to be powerful but simple to use, so we typically do not require the user to have any programming/scripting knowledge. So even if you learnt the language Autoit (in which ffastrans is mostly written), you'd not really benefit a lot from it i guess.

The only thing really is to get used to the variable substitution and when to use quotes - this would be the same in any other programming language.
If you build a lot of workflows, you'll also need regular expressions earlier or later, those are also independent from the programming language and a great thing to learn because you can also use them in other programs, not only in ffastrans (e.g. notepad++ for finding/replacing text - but also MANY more other programs use regex here and there).
emcodem, wrapping since 2009 you got the rhyme?
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