Proccess same file w/ same name
Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 7:28 pm
Trying to setup a worker as many have that when a video file is dropped in it converts it from .mxf to .mp4, delivers the finished file to a pickup folder, deletes the original MXF File, clears the cache record, and sends an e-mail out to let recipients know the file is done.
file example is test.mxf
so the workflow is:
end users drop a file to R:\MXF in\ (in this case test.mxf)
ffastrans sees it, and starts to convert it to h264 (mp4) (works fine)
once done transcoding it puts the test.mp4 file in r:\MP4 out and is set to overwrite anyfile with the same file name (works fine)
ffastrans then looks for the original file test.mxf, and deletes it (works fine)
fasttrans then deletes the cache so if a revised version of this file is dropped in with the same file name it can process it again (looks like it deletes the files and folders fine, but I can not process another test.mxf)
an e-mail is sent out saying the file is ready
I have seen many recommend using this command executer:
I put it in and got a failure where it looked like it was trying to delete files form the c: drive I pointed it to the drive where I have the cache / workfiles located which in this case is V:
%comspec% /c "del /f "V:\cache\20200715-1223-1397-35f6-9a87ede47cd5\%s_cache_record%""
where \20200715-1223-1397-35f6-9a87ede47cd5\ is the directory for this workflow
I see it does indeed delete all files and folders in this directory
but when I drop test.mxf in to my R:\MXF In\ folder..... nothing happens. I have to right click on my workflow and reset it to get it to go again or rename the file
What am I missing....
file example is test.mxf
so the workflow is:
end users drop a file to R:\MXF in\ (in this case test.mxf)
ffastrans sees it, and starts to convert it to h264 (mp4) (works fine)
once done transcoding it puts the test.mp4 file in r:\MP4 out and is set to overwrite anyfile with the same file name (works fine)
ffastrans then looks for the original file test.mxf, and deletes it (works fine)
fasttrans then deletes the cache so if a revised version of this file is dropped in with the same file name it can process it again (looks like it deletes the files and folders fine, but I can not process another test.mxf)
an e-mail is sent out saying the file is ready
I have seen many recommend using this command executer:
Code: Select all
%comspec% /c "if exist "%s_cache_record%" del /f /q "%s_cache_record%""
I put it in and got a failure where it looked like it was trying to delete files form the c: drive I pointed it to the drive where I have the cache / workfiles located which in this case is V:
%comspec% /c "del /f "V:\cache\20200715-1223-1397-35f6-9a87ede47cd5\%s_cache_record%""
where \20200715-1223-1397-35f6-9a87ede47cd5\ is the directory for this workflow
I see it does indeed delete all files and folders in this directory
but when I drop test.mxf in to my R:\MXF In\ folder..... nothing happens. I have to right click on my workflow and reset it to get it to go again or rename the file
What am I missing....