Hi there,
maybe I misunderstood the function of this node...
I tried this:
I have LOTS of FilePack-Files from MediaComposer. They were Consolidated to an external drive years ago.
I managed to sort them on creation-date.
Now I want to transcode Audio and video to ProRes.MOV.
I tried the custom Node AV MXF opAtom in this test-workflow:
and got the following Error-Log:
Any ideas? Or am I totally wrong and this is no opAtom at all?
Thanks in advance
Custom Plug-In AV MXF opAtom: getting Error
Re: Custom Plug-In AV MXF opAtom: getting Error
Hey tom,
The input file looks fine besides it does not seem to link any audio tracks (which would lead the Atom decoder node not to find any corresponding audio). Maybe you can send the full log file of the job, or connect a deliver node after the MXF Atom decoder node and send us the delivered avs file so i can see what the OPAtom decoder node generates out of your input file.
The input file looks fine besides it does not seem to link any audio tracks (which would lead the Atom decoder node not to find any corresponding audio). Maybe you can send the full log file of the job, or connect a deliver node after the MXF Atom decoder node and send us the delivered avs file so i can see what the OPAtom decoder node generates out of your input file.
emcodem, wrapping since 2009 you got the rhyme?