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Variable %s_start_tc% indicates zero based TC but %s_info_mediainfo% reports TimeCode_FirstFrame 10:00:00:00

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 3:09 pm
by Silicon
I need to burn the TC into the video by using Timecode Filter. It works correctly for IMX50/MXF videos, but incorrectly for XDCAM HD422/MXF videos. I've found out, that for theese videos the variable %s_start_tc% indicates start timecode value 00:00:00:00 despite the fact that json %s_info_mediainfo% reports TimeCode_FirstFrame value 10:00:00:00.
Attached please find the text files with values of %s_original_name%, %s_start_tc% and %s_info_mediainfo%.

I should also mention, that Sony XDCAM Viewer app displays start TC 10:00:00:00.

Any idea why theese two values are different?
Thanks for any advice.

Re: Variable %s_start_tc% indicates zero based TC but %s_info_mediainfo% reports TimeCode_FirstFrame 10:00:00:00

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 3:14 pm
by Silicon
Oops, it seems I have reported identical issue as user "taner" did few weeks ago - Variable | Start TC | Wrong Result. Sory for that :roll:

Re: Variable %s_start_tc% indicates zero based TC but %s_info_mediainfo% reports TimeCode_FirstFrame 10:00:00:00

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 7:49 pm
by momocampo
Hello Silicon,

Maybe a stupîd question but did you check the start tc inside the timecode filter? It could be a trap because the default value is "00:00:00:00" and not the source file start tc (%s_start_tc%). You have to change that if you want to be ok with your input file.


Re: Variable %s_start_tc% indicates zero based TC but %s_info_mediainfo% reports TimeCode_FirstFrame 10:00:00:00

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 7:06 am
by Silicon
Hi @momocampo.
The Timecode filter has "Use original medias start timecode" option checked.
And the workflow affected works correctly for IMX50/MXF files.

Re: Variable %s_start_tc% indicates zero based TC but %s_info_mediainfo% reports TimeCode_FirstFrame 10:00:00:00

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 9:37 am
by momocampo
Ok you're right, there is a bug.
This bug will be fixed in the next release, the 1.2.1.


Re: Variable %s_start_tc% indicates zero based TC but %s_info_mediainfo% reports TimeCode_FirstFrame 10:00:00:00

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 3:31 pm
by Silicon
Helle dev team
I can confirm that this issue is fixed in version 1.2.1.
Thanks for that!