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Job ended with error on Watermark@

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 8:10 am
by mediavivantisingest
Hey there!

We've got the following error message: "Job ended with error on Watermark@".
After restarting our transcoder it magically turned to working again. Is there any more sophisticated way to make do?

(literally nothing changed between it working-not working-and working again and the watermark/logo is locally on the transcoder)

Any ideas? :geek:



Re: Job ended with error on Watermark@

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 3:18 pm
by FranceBB
Hi there and welcome to the forum! :)
I'm afraid we're gonna need a bit more info than this.
How did it fail? Do you have a specific message? Can you send us the log file from the status monitor of the job that failed?
Keep in mind that it could be a Windows related error as well 'cause perhaps something else was affected / went wrong.

Still, if it really is a bug, we would like to find out so that we can fix it, so it's always important to report those. :)

Ok, let me know.

p.s Oh, I almost forgot: I think using the "BUG" section would be a bit more appropriate than the "announcement" section for this one, so I'm moving the topic for you. ;)