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FFASTrans 1.3 job slots per priority not working

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 6:58 pm
by llittleton

I updated to ffastrans 1.3 and I have the job slots set to 2 but the queue picks up 4 simultaneous jobs now.


Re: FFASTrans 1.3 job slots per priority not working

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 11:03 pm
by admin
Hi llittleton,

I can confirm that there's an issue with some core component not getting the proper max job state. This seem to happen if you change the setting and immediately exit the application and start again. The component which handles the jobs might in that case not have the correct max jobs state, so you must configure it again. However, if you leave it running for a few seconds it should be updated correctly with the new settings.

Anyway, thank you for notifying! I have addressed the issue in the upcoming bug fix release.


Re: FFASTrans 1.3 job slots per priority not working

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 3:45 am
by llittleton

I can confirm that the update fixes this issue.

Thank you for your incredible support.
