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[Solved]Media variable value = 0

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 5:22 pm
by pandadnap

Thank you for making such a great software!

I am trying to create a workflow that need the value of media variables like audio channel, audio stream etc...
It works in my testing computer. However, when I move the workflow to production environment, the value of those variable become 0.
To eliminate any possible error in my workflow, I create a new workflow with just 2 nodes. AV media and print those variable value into a txt file. Unfortunately, still 0.
Wondering if version of Windows matter? my testing computing running latest version win10 while production environment is on Windows Server 2019.
Attached my workflow and the txt output for your reference.


Re: Media variable value = 0

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2022 6:02 am
by emcodem
Hey pandadnap,
the windows version should not really matter becaues all the tools we use for analyzing and transcoding are basically portable and do not really use any windows components like directshow and such.
Could you please also upload a full_log.json of a job where the vars are zero?


Re: Media variable value = 0

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2022 3:53 pm
by pandadnap
Hi emcodem,

Thank you for looking into this.
please find the full_log.json attached.


Re: Media variable value = 0

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2022 10:00 am
by emcodem
Thanks for the log! Unfortunately it is not yet clear to me why this is happening to you. Kind of looks like the A/V decoder has problems with your source file. For a direct solution, it would be really good to have a source file uploaded that causes this issue. Also you can play with the decoding settings of the A/V processor, e.g. use full decode instead of intelligent.
On the other hand i just need to ask: are you aware about what's the A/V decoder is used for (basically only for Avisynth based filters) and are you sure that you need it in your workflow at all?


Re: Media variable value = 0

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2022 11:17 am
by admin
Hi pandadnap,

It looks like the ffprobe info is simply missing. Either it's not written properly to the logs or it's not created at all. The latter would explain the behavior. I'm not sure about the reason but I have a feeling it's avisynth related. Maybe there are some dependencies that has slipped us by and usually in the system but not in yours specifically. In that case any encoding after the av decoder will fail so if you please try that and report back. And of course send logs ;-)


Re: Media variable value = 0

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2022 4:16 pm
by pandadnap
Hi emcodem and steinar,

emcodem, you are completely right, av decoder is definitely not required in the workflow I shared here. My whole workflow involve some filters like resize, watermark etc, that' why av decoder is required.

An update. when I submit my video to A/V decoder, var value become 0. However, if the video was submitted to generate txt node, var value are all correct.
I feel the same as what steinar suggested, there are some dependencies are missing from my computer. I ran FFASTRANS on several different computer over last few years, since v.0.9x, never have this problem. And as I mention in my first post, I run the workflow on testing platform, it works without any issue. Only when I copy the whole FFASTRANS folder(including workflow) to production platform, seems there's problem on A/V decoder. I tired all 3 decode setting as well as force 8 bit, x64 luck...

Created an other test workflow with av decode > resize > encode to h264 > delivery. As expected, the process fail at resize.
Workflow, full log attached. My source file can be download from below link. ... sp=sharing


Re: Media variable value = 0

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2022 4:43 pm
by admin
Thanks for the feedback, pandadnap

I'm actually suspecting your system. How old is your CPU? Could you post some system info?


Re: Media variable value = 0

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2022 5:01 pm
by pandadnap
hi steinar,

I believe my system is a virtual machine, my IT guy build for me. Not sure how old it is. But I exported the system info. Can I send you a txt file directly?

Re: Media variable value = 0

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2022 11:32 pm
by emcodem
For sharing sensitive data, try with pm.
On an alternative Route we can easily check if there are some DLLs from the System missing, e.g. The Desktop experience Feature not installed or such.

For this, you can download a dependwncy checker:

Just copy the folder over to the Server and start the exe that has GUI in its Name. Then drag and drop the avisynth DLL on the gui and the Tool will reveal if DLLs are missing to run avisynth dll. If you do that, maybe just Post a Screenshot of the result :D

Re: Media variable value = 0

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 3:09 pm
by pandadnap
Hi emcodem and steinar,

Problem solved!
End up, there are two different issues lead to the problem.
1. 3 dll from Visual C++ are missing in the system.
2. (I believe this is the root cause) AVX/AVX2 instruction set was not turned on for the VM.

Thank you for all the comment, suggestion and info!