Thanks everyone for your help so far. So I've got the following workflow set up (this is an adaptation of my previous workflow for compressing videos, so you can see how I've adjusted it).
It works and is taking .jpg files and outputting them as .png files, so that's all good.
The only thing I need now is help setting the output resolution for the Stills encoder. You can see where I am populating variables then handing to the H.264 encoder node for video, but with no options for it in the Stills node, I'm not sure how to pass it. Will this need a feature update or can I use another node to set resolution first?
Not sure how to attach a .json file from the exported workflow but here's the contents:
Code: Select all
"workflow": {
"wf_id": "20220811-1211-0094-12f5-19b8297ab25f",
"wf_folder": "",
"created": "2022-08-11T12:11:00.941+10:00",
"description": "",
"general": {
"sleep": 30,
"priority": "2 (normal)",
"timeout_level": 3
"maintainance": {
"keep_all_workdir": false,
"keep_failed_workdir": false,
"cleanup_time": "04:00",
"records_age": 1,
"work_age": 1,
"run_on_days": 1234567
"farming": {
"hosts": [],
"include": false
"special": {
"log_level": "1 (Basic)",
"force_32bit": false,
"read_timecode": false,
"protected": false,
"password": ""
"wf_name": "Compress image files_copy",
"updated": "2022-08-11T12:12:29.357+10:00",
"updated_by": "oc-gande104@computer",
"variable": {
"wf_size": 205.8
"nodes": [
"id": "20200420-1153-2253-00e8-4303ca9f4ca0",
"type": "mon_folder",
"custom_proc_guid": "",
"bypass": false,
"execute_on": "success",
"outbounds": [
"type": "op_cond",
"id": "20200827-0935-4719-9732-9993ae1f5bfd"
"name": "Folder",
"description": "Monitor input folder",
"properties": {
"folder": "C:\\input",
"accept_files": "",
"deny": {
"files": "",
"folders": "",
"attributes": {
"read": false,
"arch": false,
"sys": false,
"hidden": false
"recurse": true,
"localize": true,
"create_folder": false,
"growing_files": false,
"forget_missing": true,
"file_size_mod": "once",
"file_limit": "None",
"skip_verify": false
"preset": {
"name": "(custom)",
"id": null
"pos_x": 75,
"pos_y": 247,
"start_proc": true
"id": "20200420-1156-2908-834d-5db19e7b36fd",
"type": "enc_av_mp4",
"custom_proc_guid": "",
"bypass": false,
"execute_on": "success",
"outbounds": [
"type": "dest_folder",
"id": "20200420-1157-3279-2300-3e17ecf46d0b"
"name": "H.264",
"description": "Actual video conversion.",
"preset": {
"id": null,
"name": "(custom)"
"properties": {
"video": {
"bitrate": 1500,
"level": "auto",
"profile": "auto",
"tuning": "none",
"qspeed": "veryfast",
"interlacing": "Autodetect",
"field_order": "Progressive",
"width": "%i_new_width%",
"height": "%i_new_height%",
"restrict": false,
"framerate": 30,
"par": "1.0 Square",
"dar": "Same as source",
"resizing": "Stretch and lose aspect",
"colorspace": "Auto"
"audio": {
"bitrate": 128,
"bitdepth": 16,
"codec": "aac",
"samplerate": 48000,
"db_adjust": -23,
"loudness_table": "",
"loudness_enable": false,
"layout": "default",
"streams": [
"codec": "aac",
"samplerate": 48000,
"bitrate": 128,
"bitdepth": 16,
"mapping": [
"wrapper": "MP4",
"start_tc": "%s_start_tc%",
"custom_x264opts": "",
"faststart": true
"pos_x": 1927,
"pos_y": 247,
"start_proc": false
"id": "20200420-1157-3279-2300-3e17ecf46d0b",
"type": "dest_folder",
"custom_proc_guid": "",
"bypass": false,
"execute_on": "success",
"outbounds": [
"type": "op_hold",
"id": "20200421-1029-5669-1b94-f790016599fc"
"name": "Folder",
"description": "Place converted file in output folder.",
"preset": {
"id": null,
"name": "(custom)"
"properties": {
"folder": "C:\\output",
"suffix": "",
"prefix": "",
"overwrite": false,
"unique": true,
"case": "None",
"drop_name": false,
"drop_ext": false,
"move": false,
"padding": "None"
"pos_x": 2235,
"pos_y": 247,
"start_proc": false
"id": "20200420-1330-1409-8618-2ee2675ab731",
"type": "cmd_run",
"custom_proc_guid": "",
"bypass": false,
"execute_on": "success",
"properties": {
"command": "%comspec% \/c \"del \/f \/q \"%s_original_full%\"\"",
"out_source": "",
"omit_exit_code": false,
"console": false,
"show_command": true,
"stdout_var_name": "None",
"set_timeout": 120,
"error_timeout": 1
"name": "Command executor",
"description": "Deletes original file from the input folder.",
"preset": {
"name": "(custom)",
"id": null
"outbounds": [],
"pos_x": 2853,
"pos_y": 247,
"start_proc": false
"id": "20200420-1658-5914-5ae4-bab2d365b42c",
"type": "op_populate",
"custom_proc_guid": "",
"bypass": false,
"execute_on": "success",
"properties": {
"variables": [
"name": "i_new_height",
"data": 720,
"type": "integer"
"name": "s_par_width",
"data": "$regext('%s_pix_aspect%','(\\d+:)')",
"type": "string"
"name": "s_par_width",
"data": "$trimr(\"%s_par_width%\",1)",
"type": "string"
"name": "s_par_height",
"data": "$regext('%s_pix_aspect%','(:\\d+)')",
"type": "string"
"name": "s_par_height",
"data": "$triml(\"%s_par_height%\",1)",
"type": "string"
"name": "f_par_decimal",
"data": "%s_par_width%/%s_par_height%",
"type": "float"
"name": "i_new_width",
"data": "(%i_width%*%f_par_decimal%/%i_height%)*%i_new_height%",
"type": "integer"
"name": "i_new_width",
"data": "$round(%i_new_width%/2)*2",
"type": "integer"
"preset": {
"name": "(custom)",
"id": null
"outbounds": [
"type": "enc_stills",
"id": "20220811-1206-2631-1a3d-f310e63fe573"
"name": "Populate variables",
"description": "Set the correct resolutions for the conversion based on desired vertical resolution.\r\n\r\n(Change vertical resolution here to whatever is desired; match the previous Conditional node)",
"pos_x": 692,
"pos_y": 247,
"start_proc": false
"id": "20200421-1029-5669-1b94-f790016599fc",
"type": "op_hold",
"custom_proc_guid": "",
"bypass": false,
"execute_on": "success",
"preset": {
"name": "(custom)",
"id": null
"properties": {
"syncronize": true,
"sync_time": 3600,
"sleep": false,
"sleep_time": 60,
"file_wait": false,
"files_list": ""
"name": "Hold",
"description": "Waits for Folder job on left to finish (may not be necessary).",
"outbounds": [
"type": "cmd_run",
"id": "20200420-1330-1409-8618-2ee2675ab731"
"pos_x": 2544,
"pos_y": 247,
"start_proc": false
"id": "20200827-0935-4719-9732-9993ae1f5bfd",
"type": "op_cond",
"custom_proc_guid": "",
"bypass": false,
"execute_on": "success",
"properties": {
"dispel": false,
"conditionals": [
"expression_1": "%i_height%",
"operator": "larger than or equal to (>=)",
"expression_2": 720,
"decide": "Then"
"outbounds": [
"type": "op_populate",
"id": "20200420-1658-5914-5ae4-bab2d365b42c"
"type": "op_populate",
"id": "20200827-0940-5853-3805-6735fb674e68"
"name": "Conditional",
"description": "Check if resolution is already lower than desired.\r\n\r\n(Change vertical resolution here to whatever is desired; match the next (upper) Populate variables node)",
"preset": {
"name": "(custom)",
"id": null
"pos_x": 383,
"pos_y": 247,
"start_proc": false
"type": "op_populate",
"custom_proc_guid": "",
"bypass": false,
"id": "20200827-0940-5853-3805-6735fb674e68",
"execute_on": "error",
"preset": {
"id": null,
"name": "(custom)"
"properties": {
"variables": [
"name": "i_new_height",
"data": "%i_height%",
"type": "integer"
"name": "s_par_width",
"data": "$regext('%s_pix_aspect%','(\\d+:)')",
"type": "string"
"name": "s_par_width",
"data": "$trimr(\"%s_par_width%\",1)",
"type": "string"
"name": "s_par_height",
"data": "$regext('%s_pix_aspect%','(:\\d+)')",
"type": "string"
"name": "s_par_height",
"data": "$triml(\"%s_par_height%\",1)",
"type": "string"
"name": "f_par_decimal",
"data": "%s_par_width%/%s_par_height%",
"type": "float"
"name": "i_new_width",
"data": "(%i_width%*%f_par_decimal%/%i_height%)*%i_new_height%",
"type": "integer"
"name": "i_new_width",
"data": "$round(%i_new_width%/2)*2",
"type": "integer"
"outbounds": [
"type": "enc_stills",
"id": "20220811-1206-2631-1a3d-f310e63fe573"
"name": "Populate variables",
"description": "Set the correct resolutions for the conversion, matching original vertical resolution.\r\n\r\n(Runs if your desired vertical resolution is GREATER than the original resolution to avoid increasing in size for no reason).",
"pos_x": 692,
"pos_y": 418,
"start_proc": false
"id": "20201110-0839-0878-3669-6dccf1e1185e",
"type": "op_cond",
"custom_proc_guid": "",
"bypass": false,
"execute_on": "success",
"preset": {
"id": null,
"name": "(custom)"
"properties": {
"dispel": false,
"conditionals": [
"expression_1": "%i_a_channels%",
"operator": "not equal to (\u2260), string",
"expression_2": 1,
"decide": "Then"
"outbounds": [
"type": "enc_av_mp4",
"id": "20200420-1156-2908-834d-5db19e7b36fd"
"type": "dec_avmedia",
"id": "20201110-0839-5478-4789-4e83d2b5c4d1"
"name": "Conditional",
"description": "Check for single-channel audio, duplicate that audio to both L&R channels.",
"pos_x": 1001,
"pos_y": 247,
"start_proc": true
"id": "20201110-0839-5478-4789-4e83d2b5c4d1",
"type": "dec_avmedia",
"custom_proc_guid": "",
"bypass": false,
"execute_on": "error",
"outbounds": [
"type": "avs_a_acmapper",
"id": "20201110-0840-1556-27ae-4ea0c6fa5a51"
"preset": {
"id": null,
"name": "(custom)"
"properties": {
"audio": {
"use": true,
"channels": 2,
"method": "Intelligent"
"video": {
"use": true,
"format": "YUV 4:2:2 8bit",
"method": "Intelligent"
"x64avisynth": true,
"force8bit": true
"name": "A/V Media",
"description": "Required for ChannelMapper to work.",
"pos_x": 1309,
"pos_y": 418,
"start_proc": false
"id": "20201110-0840-1556-27ae-4ea0c6fa5a51",
"type": "avs_a_acmapper",
"custom_proc_guid": "",
"bypass": false,
"execute_on": "success",
"properties": {
"mapping": [
"muxing": "2 (stereo)"
"preset": {
"name": "(custom)",
"id": null
"outbounds": [
"type": "enc_av_mp4",
"id": "20200420-1156-2908-834d-5db19e7b36fd"
"name": "ChannelMapper",
"description": "Duplicates the original mono audio track to both L&R channels to avoid a silent channel being added.",
"pos_x": 1618,
"pos_y": 418,
"start_proc": false
"id": "20220715-1445-4954-771e-747482214800",
"type": "op_populate",
"custom_proc_guid": "",
"bypass": false,
"execute_on": "success",
"pos_x": 75,
"pos_y": 247,
"start_proc": true,
"name": "Populate variables",
"outbounds": []
"id": "20220811-1206-2631-1a3d-f310e63fe573",
"type": "enc_stills",
"custom_proc_guid": "",
"name": "Stills",
"slots": 1,
"hosts_group": 0,
"bypass": false,
"start_proc": false,
"pos_x": 1927,
"pos_y": 75,
"execute_on": "success",
"preset": {
"name": "(custom)",
"id": null
"properties": {
"format": "PNG",
"force_digits": false,
"digits": 4,
"sequence": false,
"quality": 8,
"q_switch": false,
"extract_type": 0,
"every_n": 25,
"distribute": 20,
"sc_threshold": 5,
"deinterlace": true
"outbounds": [
"type": "dest_folder",
"id": "20200420-1157-3279-2300-3e17ecf46d0b"
"version": ""
"user_variables": {
"variables": [
"name": "i_new_width",
"data": "",
"type": "integer"
"name": "i_new_height",
"data": "",
"type": "integer"
"name": "s_par_width",
"data": "",
"type": "string"
"name": "s_par_height",
"data": "",
"type": "string"
"name": "f_par_decimal",
"data": "",
"type": "float"