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Transfer from one folder to several
Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2023 1:57 am
by luzimarsorgi
Hello professionals. This is really excellent software. I would like to thank all possible help. I wanted to know how to make ffastrans monitor several files in a single folder and transfer each one to a specific folder Example: I have 5 files with different names, I need it to transfer to the specific folder of each file. Could someone help me? Thanks.
Re: Transfer from one folder to several
Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2023 7:41 am
by emcodem
Hey luzimarsorgi,
well it depends a lot on the details. Basically you can use "conditional" processor and check if %s_original_name% = *pattern1* and move this file to folder 1. Now you repeat that 5 times and you are done.
So your workflow looks like: monitor -> 5x conditional -> 1 deliver after each conditional.
Checkbox "dispel" will hide the 4 non executed branches from the job status monitor.
You will need to tell us more about how your files are named and all other details that come to your mind to get more information.
Re: Transfer from one folder to several
Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2023 10:55 pm
by momocampo
Hi Luzimarsorgi,
To complete Emcodem's answer, I could add if you are sure you have only 5 possibilities, you just have to create 4 conditionnal nodes cause if the first 4 possibilities failed, it will be for sure the last one so no need conditionnal
Anyway, as told Emcodem, please tell us more about what you want to do.
Re: Transfer from one folder to several
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2023 12:40 am
by luzimarsorgi
So, the files will be like this
I want this files on respective folders
I tried with this conditional if%s_source% is equal to(=),string IMG_ then
but it did not work.
Thank you for help.
Re: Transfer from one folder to several
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2023 7:59 am
by emcodem
try my example form above:
%s_original_name% = *pattern1*
which means for you:
%s_original_name% = *IMG_*
or if you really want to check the full source path as you wrote:
%s_source% = *IMG_*
Re: Transfer from one folder to several
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2023 1:09 pm
by ThomasM
Hi luzimarsorgi !
Try this Workflow:
In the Source / Watchfolder-Node set your Source-Folder. If that contains subfolders which may be also contain Files of interest, select "recurse".
The first ConditionalNode compares the original Filename to the Pattern [IMG*]. If so, the DeliverNode will copy that file to the desired folder. Add the path of your destination in that Node.
The next ConditionalNode will only start, if the first conditional put out "false", so no IMG*. Note the red Field on the left side on that ConditionalNode. the red set the Node to "Execute On Error". Alter this by right-click on that field.
The last node is a SendEmail to notify you, that there are Files that cannot be processed as they do not match any given pattern.
Hope this helps...