Copy to new container first

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Copy to new container first

Post by Guest »

I have some pesky MPEG-TS files that need to be converted to h.264, ideally in an automated way. When they come in we have found that the first step needs to be to extract the files out of the MPEG-TS container and then place them in to an MP4 container. From there we can run the encode and we'll get the whole file. However, I can't seem to figure out how to process these files using FFAStran. Here is the command we would run:

Code: Select all

ffmpeg -i original.ts -vcodec copy -an tmp.mp4
ffmpeg -i tmp.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -an final.mp4
If I create a simple encoder in FFAStran that takes the original input and converts it to h.264, we'll drop the encode the first moment there is a container error. This means that we'll sometimes miss most of the video. If I try and create a custom encoder with a codec of 'copy' the software just comes back with a 'no video or audio found in media' error.

Wondering if there is a simple way to basically automate the above two commands on a folder we watch?
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Re: Copy to new container first

Post by admin »

Are you using the "A/V Decoder" decoder? If so, remove it. Then you could do it all in just one workflow by putting two custom encoders after each other; The first containing the video copy encoder, and the second containing the libx264 encoder. Should work.

I don't understand why you need to extract the video first though. Doing encoding immediately should be sufficient but maybe you TS-files are TOO pesky? ;-)

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