Multiple WatchFolders - I have multiple issues
Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 2:58 pm
I have attached my current workflow. I am fairly new to FFAStrans, so only Just learned how to name a node, and that I can populate a variable from within the watch folder node, which will simplify this whole workflow a bit.
I know there are several issues here. I plan on populating variables in the folder node.
I would also like to move the original file once transcode is complete so that I know which completed, and probably move to a folder within folder to know if a file failed just by looking at the folders on the network.
Right now I've moving files from the AME output folder, if they are .mp4 since it doesn't create that until it is finished, before using that file. I don't think that's working properly though. It moved the file, but I don't think it attempted to transcode it. Do I have to create another watch folder to watch That folder? I thought I could just use the output of that folder, no?
I copied over a fair amount of files at the end of the day once it looked like things were going to work, but when I came in this morning, only Some files worked, and in odd ways. I've set a user variable as camera_nickname, then for the output folder \\\MediaStorage\Transcoding\Output_Previews\%s_camera_nickname%
It Seems to have worked, but like I had said in the title, I have multiple things going wrong here.
For example: I dropped 24 files in the 00_DJI_Mini4Pro_wLut folder.
2 of those made it to A2S folder.
8 files made it to the correct M4P (stands for mini pro 4) folder, but it encoded 2 of the files twice, so only 6 files are what I had intended. The 2 files that are duplicates are also the 2 files that ended up in the A2S folder as well.
I have 81 files in the 00_R4D_wLut folder, but only 24 of them completed.
It seems most/all of the files that didn't work I got: Command executor@TEKNA130: Process exited with error code: 3752568763 (ffmpeg stats and -progress period set to 1.7.\r\n[avisynth @ 000001e77f71ebc0] Stream #0: not enough frames to estimate rate; consider increasing probesize\r\nInput....
This all seems to be DJI footage, either from a drone or from the R4D, but quite a few within there also worked fine. I just mentioned it because I saw someone having similar errors due to misreported framerates from the R4D.
I know there are several issues here. I plan on populating variables in the folder node.
I would also like to move the original file once transcode is complete so that I know which completed, and probably move to a folder within folder to know if a file failed just by looking at the folders on the network.
Right now I've moving files from the AME output folder, if they are .mp4 since it doesn't create that until it is finished, before using that file. I don't think that's working properly though. It moved the file, but I don't think it attempted to transcode it. Do I have to create another watch folder to watch That folder? I thought I could just use the output of that folder, no?
I copied over a fair amount of files at the end of the day once it looked like things were going to work, but when I came in this morning, only Some files worked, and in odd ways. I've set a user variable as camera_nickname, then for the output folder \\\MediaStorage\Transcoding\Output_Previews\%s_camera_nickname%
It Seems to have worked, but like I had said in the title, I have multiple things going wrong here.
For example: I dropped 24 files in the 00_DJI_Mini4Pro_wLut folder.
2 of those made it to A2S folder.
8 files made it to the correct M4P (stands for mini pro 4) folder, but it encoded 2 of the files twice, so only 6 files are what I had intended. The 2 files that are duplicates are also the 2 files that ended up in the A2S folder as well.
I have 81 files in the 00_R4D_wLut folder, but only 24 of them completed.
It seems most/all of the files that didn't work I got: Command executor@TEKNA130: Process exited with error code: 3752568763 (ffmpeg stats and -progress period set to 1.7.\r\n[avisynth @ 000001e77f71ebc0] Stream #0: not enough frames to estimate rate; consider increasing probesize\r\nInput....
This all seems to be DJI footage, either from a drone or from the R4D, but quite a few within there also worked fine. I just mentioned it because I saw someone having similar errors due to misreported framerates from the R4D.