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Ffastrans output tricks

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2024 7:06 am
by drewdavis
I'm pretty keen to design a work flow using the waves maxxvolume plugin to normalise/conform audio a stack of tvcs for stadium playback (sports production) And then output them at a standardised codec to playback out of pvp3 (h.264@1080p50)

Not attempting the vst yet but my outputs arent quite right, using the default .264 output doesn't work in windows media, but is all good in vlc. Any ideas?

Once that's sorted I'd love to integrate vst vibes but I can work around with internal normalise-comp-normalise if that's deeper in the too hard basket


Re: Ffastrans output tricks

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2024 7:46 pm
by emcodem
drewdavis wrote: Wed Sep 18, 2024 7:06 am using the default .264 output doesn't work in windows media,
Sorry i have not answered earlier. Welcome to the forum and thanks for using FFAStrans!
If you can play any other h264 in windows media player then most likely you just need to force profile/level to e.g. High 4.2 or even check the "force 4:2:0 8bit for compatibility" checkbox. The issue in this case would be that your input is something like 4:4:4 10 bit and the h264 encoder just copies these properties, ending up in a h264 that consumer decoders cannot deal with. Consumer decoders want 4:2:0 8 bit most likely.

Also, i believe you talk about a steinberg plugin, you probably already found this thread from our magnificent audio expert @PA79: viewtopic.php?p=7483&hilit=mrswatson#p7483