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Networked Watchfolder Features

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 9:50 am
by Monotroska
Hi there.

I would like to request a minimum file-size in the monitor-folder settings. (Just like the max-file size)
Adobe Premiere for example when exporting makes a zero-byte .mpg file while its working on some temp files. Would be great if FFAStrans could ignore the file until Adobe is done and produced the bigger .mpg file for example. (Just as I have it ignoring the temp-files based on file-extensions. It makes quite a mess if it starts encoding the temp files hehe).

Also, I have noticed sometimes FFAStrans seems to start encoding files while they are still being transferred over the network to the watchfolder. I'm not sure if I'm just lucky most of the time and FFSAtrans doesnt check the folder for new files while they are in transit, or if FFSAtrans verifies its not a file thats being transferred still? But sometimes it result is there will simply be 2 or 3 files with a # suffix, the latest being the full version. Plus a few instances in the monitor window with "Could not recognize content in file".

Keep up the great work :)
- Mono

Re: Networked Watchfolder Features

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 5:48 pm
by admin
Thanks for your suggestion Mono! It makes sense and I will look at it in the near future.

Regarding your second problem; FFAStrans will check if the file is being locked by another process. However, there are some programs creating files which can be opened while it's being written. MXF files typically has this behavior. In the configuration for the workflow you should set the "Check for growing files" option for this kind of problems. Please let me know if this solves the issue. However, this is a sort of fundamental problem which is hard to deal with for any kind of software with watch folder functionality. F.ex. if a readable file is being transferred on a slow network, updating the file size and date modified can take a long time and thus FFAStrans will have problems knowing whether the file is finished or not. It might be difficult to really nail this problem but it's a contiunous concern and I'm constantly finding myself coming back to the code trying to enhance it ;-)
