Farm machines no longer active

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Farm machines no longer active

Post by kimble »


I'm looking for some help on my farming machines stopping working after a failed upgrade.

I have the following:

Dedicated Machine.
Cache stored on network drive.
2x Farm Machines.

After a failed upgrade, the farm machines no longer show as enabled in the web interface and their heartbeat stopped.

I've rolled back the install and tried reinstalling the service multiple times but they never reconnect. Can anyone advise on where the config on the host machine might sit that could be preventing the farm machines re-connecting?

It's worth stating that I have not installed the farm service from the running instance, rather I take a clone of the folder and run it on the farm machines locally. This seemed to work fine before and even when I try the corrected approach of installing on the farm from the Host then the farm machines still don't work.

Any thoughts/advice appreciated.
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Joined: Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:11 am

Re: Farm machines no longer active

Post by emcodem »

My god your post has been overseen, i am very sorry about that bro, such should not happen!

So ffastrans is very much dependent on the correct paths. To correct your issue you should:

1) uninstall ffastrans service on both farm hosts
2) start ffastrans.exe on both farm hosts using the full UNC path, not a mapped network path or similar
3) install the service from userinterface
4) open services, set the credentials that are needed to connect to the UNC path in the service config
5) close ffastrans workflow interface
6) start service

If you also upgraded webint, make sure you point webint config ffastrans installation path to the exact same UNC path as you just used to install ffastrans and also edit the webinterface service, give it credentials needed to access the UNC.
emcodem, wrapping since 2009 you got the rhyme?
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