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post processing

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 12:01 pm
by ALA
Dear steipal,

if I can make a wish,a command executor to post process files would be great.Simply the same command line possibility which already exists in the pre-encoding dialog.
use cases, e.g.
- delete original source file
- send email when transcoding job finished
- run some kind of mp4box post-scripting

Greetings, ALA

Re: post processing

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 11:34 am
by admin
Your wish is my command ;) I allready have plans for making "Command executor" global so you can use it anywhere. But this will proboably not be in FFAStrans until ver. 0.5.0 hopefylly later this year or early next year.

1. Deleting originals is allready possible. Look at you workflow properites under the "Maintainance" tab.
2. E-mail notification is on the roadmap and also requested by others.
