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GUI for creating Workflows

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 7:20 am
by predat
It could be cool to have a nodes GUI for creating workflows (ala Telestream Vantage).
This mode would be more visual and easier to configure. We could also create workflow
condition based on media input feature ( size, codec type ...).
I know this is a big feature request but... nothing ventured, nothing gained. ;)

Re: GUI for creating Workflows

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 5:11 pm
by admin
This is not so far fetched as you might expect ;) I actually have a "proof of concept"-code and gui ready. So far it's looking good but there is still a lot of work before it will make its way into a release. At some point I have to freeze the current development in order to focus on the new gui approach and I don't know when that will happen. Time is a major factor.
