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Command Executor Help

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 1:26 pm
by vijm1972
Hello Steipal,

Need information on how to use "Command Executor" for moving source files to another location once transcoding finished. I am trying below command, files are not moving from Monitor folder to require folder but in job monitor it's showing file processed successfully.

%comspec% /c "move /y "%original_full%"C:\Test\MXF - MXF\Source Completed"

Can you please suggest.


Re: Command Executor Help

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 2:21 pm
by admin
First, you're missing a spacebar after the "%original_full%". Second, ALWAYS encapsulate paths containing spaces; "C:\Test\MXF - MXF\Source Completed".

Correct parameters:

%comspec% /c "move /y "%original_full%" "C:\Test\MXF - MXF\Source Completed""
