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New Folder with Source File Name in Output Location

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 8:32 am
by vijm1972
Hi Steipal,

I am creating workflow for MP4 creation, in output location I wanted to auto create new folder with source file name and need to move the transcoded file to that folder. Is that something can I configure in FFAStrans?

Please suggest.


Re: New Folder with Source File Name in Output Location

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 11:37 am
by admin
Yes, in your folder output you insert the "%original_name%" variable where you want the path to be created. F.ex:


This would give something like D:\Video_output\CoolVideoFile\CoolVideoFile.mp4

Please press the "V" button on the node configurator for a list of available variables.
