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Transcoding farms

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 4:06 am
by guestbuy5
So I looked around for some information regarding setting up transcoding farms for distributed files transcoding. I take this to mean that you can have several workstations working on the same exact job to help get the job done quicker? I can't seem to find any information on how to set this up.

In reality, is this copying the jobs from computer to computer and setting it up with the same file paths? Thanks for the help!

Re: Transcoding farms

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 4:23 pm
by admin
Hi guestbuy5,

To enable farming you need to put the FFAStrans folder on a shared storage and run it from there. Either a network path or a SAN. Then you must make sure ALL paths in FFAStrans and in your workflows are accessible by your computer nodes. Otherwise it wont work. Also, set the "Work media cache" in FFAStrans configuration to "Shared".

Farming in FFAStrans is designed so that all members of the farm will work together to complete a job. But the members will NOT work on the SAME processor node like for example encoding or decoding. So your files will not encode faster in a farm but it will complete faster if you have many files to convert. Also, branched workflows will benefit more from a farm than workflows that are just serialized.

Hope this clearify?
