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How to Dubbing
Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 9:52 am
by zero01
How to create Dubbing by this diagram
Re: How to Dubbing
Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 4:50 pm
by admin
Hi zero01,
Create a "Custom FFmpeg"-preset:
-i "X:\Full\Path to\second file.ext" -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map 1:1
Set extension and bitrates according to you needs.
Now, the "-i "X:\Full\Path to\second file.ext"" is your SECOND input file (input 1). FFAStrans provides you with the first (input 0). And so:
-map 0:0 -> Maps the first stream from the first input. Usually video. You can also use "-map 0:v" (the first video stream found in input 0).
-map 0:1 -> Maps the second stream from the first input. Usually audio. You can also use "-map 0:a" (the first audio stream found in input 0).
-map 1:1 -> Maps the second stream from the second input. Usually audio. You can also use "-map 1:a" (the first audio stream found in input 1).