Send e-mail processor: Use a variable for mail-adresses
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:06 pm
Hello (and thanks for the great program),
I would like to use a user-variable in the "To"-input of the "send e-mail"-processor - right now it does't seem to work to just enter it there.
If it could easily be implement it would be great, because right now I have to add more "Conditional"- and "send e-mail"-Nodes as a workaround.
I would like to use a user-variable in the "To"-input of the "send e-mail"-processor - right now it does't seem to work to just enter it there.
If it could easily be implement it would be great, because right now I have to add more "Conditional"- and "send e-mail"-Nodes as a workaround.