Many mediahostings updating their logic much more frequently, than FFAStrans. I scheduled an OS-task for autoupdate youtube-dl every night, but build-in function will be more comfortable.
I created a folder "Scripts" in FFAStrans program folder, download wget.exe and launch "wget.exe --output-file="wget.log" --timestamping --force-directories --no-host-directories --cut-dirs=1 --directory-prefix="../Processors/ffmpeg/" --backups=2 """
This command download only newer versions of youtube-dl and create backups.
Autoupdate youtube-dl
Re: Autoupdate youtube-dl
I advice you to not do that. If youtube-dl suddenly change some of its parameters FFAStrans may break on the node. That goes for all dependencies shipped with FFAStrans. If you change them you're on your own.
Re: Autoupdate youtube-dl
Youtube-dl can update itself without external downloaders. Just run the command:
Before first update it's better to make manual backup of bundled version Youtube-dl.exe.
Code: Select all
Youtube-dl.exe -U
Code: Select all
copy youtube-dl.exe youtube-dl.exe.backup
Alexander Sorkin
Re: Autoupdate youtube-dl
Thank you for answer. And for update key of youtube-dl. How could I miss it?! :O
Download workflow completely standalone and error inside it don't affect others, like postconvertors and delivers. If one of updates youtube-dl broke workflow - I will report on forum as soon as possible, if you don't mind.
Ok. I understand, why autoupdate inside FFAStrans is a bad idea. But it works in newsroom production. Journalists must use many videos from mediashares, and less of them has skills to download video themselves. My experience tells me that the sites changed much more often, than options of youtube-dl
Download workflow completely standalone and error inside it don't affect others, like postconvertors and delivers. If one of updates youtube-dl broke workflow - I will report on forum as soon as possible, if you don't mind.
Re: Autoupdate youtube-dl
That's ok I'll try to be more updated on the youtube-dl.