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Monitors-folder: picking up files from specific named subfolders

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 5:34 pm
by taner
Hi Steinar,

I have a question. Is it possible to tell the monitors-molder just to pick up MOV-files from specific named (sub)folders of their main-folder?
In my case the folders would have the same name: protools.
In addition the files in the protools-folder would stay sometimes in subfolders too (which is named individually).

At the moment my workflow has a conditional which check all files for his original-path (folder name n-steps backwards) whether it is named protools, amongst other things.
And it works well.

But the main folder with all his sub-sub-sub-sub-folders which has to be monitored contains trillions of MOV-files.
99,99% of the files don't need to be checked by the conditional.
In case when I have to reset the workflow (for any reason) all files would be processed again. And checking all files would take a long time.

So maybe there is a possibility to grab the files I need at the very beginnning with the monitors-folder without using conditional for that purpose?
In order to avoid picking up each MOV-file.

Thanks for your help!


Re: Monitors-folder: picking up files from specific named subfolders

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 8:33 pm
by admin
I'm sorry but that's currently not possible. But It's a good thought and I'll consider it as a request. Thanks! :-)


Re: Monitors-folder: picking up files from specific named subfolders

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 2:00 pm
by taner
Thanks too!