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Use of frameserve file

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 8:07 am
by MajorBubble
Is there a way to use DebugMode FrameServe AVI files as input in FFAStrans (without going the workaround to setup a virtual file mount)?

Re: Use of frameserve file

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 9:07 pm
by admin
Hi MajorBubble, thank you for using FFAStrans and welcome to the forum! :-)

I'm not familiar with DebugMode FrameServer but actually it's not up to FFAStrans to support it. "Any" file supported by ffmpeg is supported by FFAStrans so if you can open the files in ffmpeg then you should be able to open them in FFAStrans.


Re: Use of frameserve file

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 11:50 pm
by MajorBubble
O.k. that at least helps understanding, thanks.

I just found it works if I first frameserve to AviSynth and then use the AVS file as input for FFAStrans (which is then because FFmpeg could also use AVS as input).
But I could not use the Debugmode frameserve file as input for FFAStrans and then AviSynth as second process inside FFAStrans (via the A/V Media decoder) to make it work - actually there will be a video file created by FFAStrans but it is just silent black.