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Pixel Aspect Ratio

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 11:08 pm
by john
File Analysis Feature.

Is there a way to fix Pixel Aspect Ratio of a file?
If a file comes in wrong, it would automatically correct for the right Pixel Aspect Ratio.

D1 NTSC (0.91)
D1 NTSC Widescreen (1.21)
DV PAL Widescreen ( 1.46)


Re: Pixel Aspect Ratio

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 4:26 pm
by admin
Hi john,

Currently, FFAStrans does not have any inbuilt PAR-correction. It's not as stright foreward as it may seem, but hopefully it will be a feature in the future 0.9.x branch.
