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ffastrans monitor: Untitled Workflow / job aborted abnormanlly

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 2:41 pm
by ThomasM
Hi there,

Here is another one. I have several Workflows run with two render-machines. FFAStrans is started from a NAS. Watchfolders are also on this NAS. File delivering is to another NAS.

I have named my workflows according to their tasks (e.g. "Trailer" or "Scanner/Archive/16mm").

everything seems to work fine, but I often get messages on the ffastrans-Monitor saying

Workflow | Job Start | Job end | File | Outcome |
Untitled | empty | 2017/10/04 xx:xx:xx | empty | @Renderer01: Job aborted abnormally! |

As said earlyer, there is no Workflow "untitled".

Any idea?



Re: ffastrans monitor: Untitled Workflow / job aborted abnormanlly

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 5:43 pm
by admin
So the abort message is not related to any actual jobs?


Re: ffastrans monitor: Untitled Workflow / job aborted abnormanlly

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 5:49 am
by ThomasM
no, not to any actual job. But I have three Jobs which are "zombies" as I figured out yesterday: They are stuck after a network-breakdown and it is not possible to abort them. The status is "aboting job instance..." on one and "aborting parent job..." on the other two jobs.

Do you think this has to do with the problem mentioned above?
How to abort zombie-jobs manually (maybe with the command-line?)

Thanks, Tom

Re: ffastrans monitor: Untitled Workflow / job aborted abnormanlly

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 3:07 pm
by ThomasM

at least I could kill the zombie-jobs by deleting them from the processor-folder.

I tried also to work only with one renderer in my farm, but i get the same message - untitled workflow - Job aborted abnormally.

Anyone else with this message? Workarounds?

Thanks in advance,


Re: ffastrans monitor: Untitled Workflow / job aborted abnormanlly

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 1:21 pm
by greoli
Considering that FFAStrans is installed in "C:\Program Files\FFAStrans"
Quit the program and delete files in
C:\Program Files\FFAStrans\Processors\.cache\monitor\jobs folder