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Timeout (300) Reached.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 11:06 am
by kibi
"Node failed due to abnormal inactivity during encoding."
Is it possible to gather the information what particular node at what host has met the error?
What's possible to do to avoid such an error?
I produce MP4 files of rather big size, but it seems to be encoded entirely (based on the time of task execution):
29-11-2017 14-00-38.png
29-11-2017 14-00-38.png (29.63 KiB) Viewed 7893 times
I know, that at the last step FFMPEG rebuilds MP4 file (when runs with option "Video: Faststart") and it can take pretty long time.
May it be connected with new features in comparing to

Re: Timeout (300) Reached.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 10:53 am
by kibi
Can you adjust the timeout period accordingly to amount of time already required for a node?
For example, if MP4 Node is working for 10 second only, timeout is 300. 1 hour - timeout 15 min, 5 hours - timeout 1:15 and so on.

Re: Timeout (300) Reached.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 5:41 pm
by admin
I will take a look at the timeout-routines. Thanks for the feedback! :-)


Re: Timeout (300) Reached.

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 3:22 pm
by kibi
Hi, Steinar!
Could you please say whether it's possible to increase the timeout by patching/tweaking config files or maybe make a hotfix for that issue?

Re: Timeout (300) Reached.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 4:17 pm
by admin
No, currently you can't change the timeout behavour but the next version (0.9.0) will support this.
