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Problem cache in

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 6:09 pm
by momocampo

I think I could use this good feature in 0.9.0 in maintenance menu of workflow : Remove monitored file record from history cache.
Now, in it seems inoperative...
I create a simple workflow (folder>custom ffmpeg encode>delivery>delete original by command executor)to check and when I drop again the same file nothing happens.
Maybe I'm wrong but I really believe It works before.
Please, can you tell me Steinar?

Thank you very much.


Re: Problem cache in

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 9:58 pm
by admin

I'm sorry but the option was actually removed but the replacement was never documented. This will be fixed for the next release. Each history record is a seperate file stored in the new "%s_cache_record%" variable. So you need to use the "Command executor" instead:

%comspec% /c "if exist "%s_cache_record%" del /f /q "%s_cache_record%""

This should work with the current release, it just lacks the documentation for it.


Re: Problem cache in

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 10:18 am
by momocampo
Hi Steinar,

Great, it will be very useful for me!!!
I must say avoid cache can be very important for specific workflow so good news if you can fix it in next release.
Thanks for the solution.

PS: YES, the del %record_cache% works fine ;) thanks!