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Put together?
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:42 pm
by momocampo
Hello all,
I had an idea which can be useful for me first
but maybe for others people. Is it possible to put together a video with an audio and make a new file ? I don't think so at this moment but don't you think it will be possible in next release Steinar?
More, another useful function is to concatenate 2 videos files (with audio or not). I know it's possible with ffmpeg but quite complicated.
My goal is take a video file, an audio file, associate audio to video and create a new file and at last, concatenate this new file to another to have a final video / audio file.
Ok, I think FFastrans is more 1 by 1 file software but this soft is so great that i can dream?
Thanks to read me
PS: I must say I speak to concatenate iframe only video file, too complicated with gop video file for sure.
PS2 :I try to put together video and audio with ffmpeg and it's so easy that I'm ashamed to asked...sorry
Re: Put together?
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 2:20 pm
by momocampo
I'm back just to say it's easy to assemble video and audio under ffmpeg but I don't succeed with custom ffmpeg encoder in FFastrans.
The command line is : ffmpeg -i -i audiofile.wav -vcodec copy -acodec copy
Maybe cause there are 2 entries (-i) ?
Re: Put together?
Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 11:04 am
by taner
Hi momocampo,
in such a case you should use command-executor instead.
%comspec% /c ""%s_ffastrans_dir%\Processors\ffmpeg\x64\ffmpeg.exe" -i "PATH\" -i "PATH\audiofile.wav" -vcodec copy -acodec copy "PATH\""
if you want command-executor to pick both files from a watchfolder automatically you should replace filenames in command-executor with a variable, for e.g. %s_original_name% and use hold-processor after monitor and before command-executor to be sure that both files are present before command-executor starts.
maybe you can use another variable instead of original_filename, maybe "%s_source%. im sure Steinar can advise you better.
Re: Put together?
Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 6:43 pm
by momocampo
Hello Taner,
Very kind to help me
Yes I thought about use an external command executor, that's the only solution at the moment I think, but the problem is are you sure I can use variables with command executor? I have to check but if it's possible, I think I will make something useful
Thank you very much Taner !!
I will come back after I have checked.
Re: Put together?
Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 8:29 pm
by admin
Sorry for the late reply, I'm on a vacation theese days
But yes, you can use variables on all input fields that have the "<" sign next to it. That also goes for the command executor, which of course you can use to perform virtually any task you want. Also, you should use the %s_source% variable to make sure you get the correct source from the previous node.
Regarding the "Custom ffmpeg"-encoder, you should be able to add any options in the custom ffmpeg. FFAStrans will automatically insert '-i "%s_source%"' and add output file options at the end but between that you can do anything, including adding several other input files. So you should easily be able to create the feature you're asking for. But as you point out, FFAStrans uasually work with one file so you need to be able to predict what the additional input files should be based on the input source name, folder, format or any other metadata/variables FFAStrans is able to construct from your source.
Re: Put together?
Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 7:21 pm
by momocampo
Hello Steinar,
Thanks for your help. You are right when you say FFastrans works with one file by one file and this is my problem
If I use variable %source % I can know what file is but unfortunately my second file will not have always the same name so.... Problem.
Anyway, I have to find another way to proceed but it's a shame I can't put together my 2 files in FFastrans, it will be great.
Don't you know a software which can associate 2 files automatically? (by watch folder)
Thanks for all guys
Re: Put together?
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:49 am
by admin
Well, I'm sure you can do that with FFAStrans but you need a way to tell it what two files need to be coupled. Please consider the scenario where you put f.ex. 4 files, two video and two audio, all with random names into the drop folder. How would FFAStrans know what files to merge, and more important; how do YOU know what files should be merged from four random names? So, besides creating a specialized node for this particular scenario, predictable names is the key to your success. Names can also be derived from sidecar files like xml or json.
Re: Put together?
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 1:10 pm
by momocampo
Very interesting thing Steinar, I have to think about it. The thing that I know is the names of video files and audio files are quite the same : <program name>_<program_date>_<program_variety>_<program_Day>
So for example : SPECIAL-GUEST_130918_BA_SAM
But I often the same program name but not the same date, or the same program name, the same date but not the same program day (LUN instead of SAM) etc.
Other important thing, when you have your 2 files I don't see how assemble 2 files because I can use only 1 variable for the first file(
%source%), how can you specify the second if you don't have the name?
Maybe I must isolate first the 2 good files and in a second time ask to assemble the mov file (video) with the wav file (audio).
I confess I have to sort my ideas
Re: Put together?
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 8:45 pm
by admin
Ok, can you give some real life examples of typical video and audio file name that needs to be merged? Will you be able to perdict one name by looking at the other, or vice versa?
Re: Put together?
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 4:22 pm
by momocampo
Ok no problem, here is some examples :
Video file : / Audio File : Les grosses tetes 22-09 DEM.wav
V: / A: USGS BA EP20 21-09 CS.wav
V: / A: Sommaire 13-09 Jeudi.wav
V: / A: Trois hommes 19-09 COURTE DEM.wav
Ok, there is always common points between each mov and wav but not exactly the same name.
An idea comes suddenly, may I use conditional nod to sort my files?
In my last example I conditional name to contains "HOMMES" and "19", "09", "COURTE" and "DEM" and in that case --> success. Only 2 files could be success so the 2 good files. What do you think about that Steinar?
But what command syntax could be use to assemble mov and wav?