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Job History API addition of jobid and workflowid

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 6:45 pm
by emcodem
Dear Steinar,

as i am not able to help you on the AV detection issues (this issue is highest priority for me), i wanted to support you by developing some stuff around FFASTRANS that my transcoding customers typically and generally ask for. Starting with a webUI for monitoring and later on job submission.

So i tried to come up with an advanced webinterface job monitor which i would of course share here (with source ;-)) It is great that you already allow CORS, that helped a lot.

My main goal was to collect and show logs when the user selects a job in my grid, but i did not find a way how to figure out the jobid.

Would it be hard for you to add workflow and Jobid so i am enabled to find the logs of the jobs?

Relate API methods:

To be honest even manually i was not able to find out whats the <job_id> for the first API call...


Re: Job History API addition of jobid and workflowid

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 8:39 am
by admin
Hi emcodem,

When you submit a job through the API you get a job-id in return. However, the link between the job-id and history is lacking and it's something I'm working on. In general, logging and history in FFAStrans is not in ship shape so it will be an area of focus in the coming months.
