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FTP files ignored

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 1:33 pm
by momocampo
Hello Steinar,

I wonder if you can check if the ftp watch works in I did some tests and I think the job doesn't start.
My workflow is simple and I filter only the *.mxf file. I have 2 files in FTP and I check the workflow dropping an third. Before drop the third file I did a rebuild history and FFastrans puts in cache 2 files (so the communication seems ok between Ffastrans and my ftp). Drop the third file and when it's transferred nothing happens (I waited a long time).
I'm almost sure this feature worked in the previous version 0.9.2.
Can you check please?
Thank you very much.


EDIT: I edit my post because I think I found the issue. When "check growing file" is check, the job never starts. If uncheck, the job begins after the "sleep timer" so maybe an issue with "check growing file".

Re: FTP files ignored

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 7:39 pm
by admin
Hi Benjamin,

I have been working a bit lately on improving some aspects of discovering new files, especially growing files has been given some more attention. The FTP-monitoring and localizing has also a couple of fixes. It might solve your problem. FFAStrans 0.9.4 will come out soon...I hope ;-)


Re: FTP files ignored

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2018 10:43 am
by momocampo
Hello Steinar,

Ok no problem :) Thank you to warm me and I wait the next release.
