AAF processing

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AAF processing

Post by emcodem »

This thread is about Decoding AAF source files. It is derived from another Topic in this forum
I'd like to research what we can do with aaf and what we cannot do. E.g. it should be very simple to remux opatom files to op1a in case there is just one opatom Clip contained in the aaf.

Also i'd like to get a Feeling for what users expect from aaf processing abilities.
Please upload example aaf files here(linked only, no media):
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing

@all, Download opatom to aaf file creator here, you can use it after e.g. an encode node in ffastrans using commandline
CreateAAF Tool:

createfile.exe is a program that allows you to create aaf by either providing the input mxf files or a directory. If the input is a directory, it will attempt to find all files in this directory, sort them by "MaterialPackage ID" and create one aaf for each Material package found, containing all files that belong to this package.
createaaf.exe \\server\share\folder
Last edited by emcodem on Mon Oct 07, 2019 7:21 am, edited 6 times in total.
emcodem, wrapping since 2009 you got the rhyme?
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Re: AAF processing

Post by momocampo »

Hello emcodem,
Good idea. I uploaded 2 kind of aaf files:
-first, an aaf embedded with all audio and video included (called aaf_for_test)--> Embedded_consolided folder
-second, an aaf file linked with its media files folder(inside link_folder ) --> Embedded_consolided folder

The useful for me would be the possibility to use an aaf to "catch" video and audio files directly on original drive WITHOUT use an export from Avid.
Can FFastrans do that??
Thanks ;)

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Re: AAF processing

Post by emcodem »

Hey Benjamin,
thanks a lot for the examples!
Interesting, your aaf files are totally different file type than the ones from the other thread. The ones from the other thread can be parsed using mediainfo, yours cannot. Yours are "Microsoft compound" file type and contain a whole Project, the one from the other thread is more like a mxf file.

Also, you exported a whole sequence instead of one Clip. Would you expect a Decoder to be able to render the whole sequence and cut at the correct Points?

emcodem, wrapping since 2009 you got the rhyme?
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Re: AAF processing

Post by momocampo »

Hey ,
These aaf are generated by Avid Media composer.
Yes it's a sequence, do you want an export with only 1 clip?

About your question, we need a way to encode a sequence from Avid without export it.
Example : a 30 minutes sequence must be encoded to mp4. The edit is in Avid media Composer and for now you have to :
- export it (quiet long)
- ingest it in FFastrans
- Encode it to mp4.

If we can use an aaf file (the best kind will be a inked aaf which just explain where are each video and audio files), we export from Avid aaf linked file (which is instantaneous). Then catch the aaf into ffastrans and directly encode into mp4 file.
More, during Ffastrans encode, the Avid stays usable :)

The great question is : Will FFastrans be able to ingest aaf?

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Re: AAF processing

Post by emcodem »

It would be cool if you Export a single Clip as well, please.
I doubt that i have a great Chance to render a full sequence; this would be a fairly complex Topic: what about all the effects and overlapping Clips?

It should not be a big Problem to provide a tool that translates a simple aaf to an avisynth script which can be used for further processing in ffastrans.
The questions i currently have is:
-) would your ffastrans Server be able to Access the mxf opatom Clips where they reside e.g. on the avid storage?
emcodem, wrapping since 2009 you got the rhyme?
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Re: AAF processing

Post by momocampo »

Ok so 2 news clips aaf embedded. In each aaf only 1 clip (called clip 1 and clip 2).

To avoid problem with Avid sequence, we can maybe do a "mixdown" BEFORE export aaf(Mixdown create a single video track-> no more edit but all effects will be calculated and the sequence will be simple). But in this case we use quicktime reference and it works quiet well...No need aaf.
I know it can be complex to export full sequence but it can be so useful ! And several software understand aaf like pro tools or adobe after effect.

About storage access, it's our job to permit avid workspace access to FFastrans. OK, FFastrans MUST access to opatom files which called by aaf file but just need to mount the goods storages and it would be good.

Anyway, I don't know if it is possible with aaf but we can dream :)
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Re: AAF processing

Post by emcodem »

Aha, so the only real win when supporting AAF sources is to support full sequence rendering. I can imagine that this is possible, but to be honest, i don't see a big future for AAF as an exchanging format for EDL sequences. Also i feel that it does not make a lot sense to use the aaf export with embedded media, the ones with links make much more sense to me.

Isn't there any other more interesting format you can instruct your avid to export the project to?

Thanks for the additional files! Interesting, all of your files are in this strange microsoft compound binary format, i wonder why some aaf is in this format and another one in a totally different format ^^

emcodem, wrapping since 2009 you got the rhyme?
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Re: AAF processing

Post by momocampo »

You're completely right emcodem, only aaf linked can be useful :
-We export aaf linked (extremely quick)
-We check FFastrans has good media storages
- FFastarns encode sequence from aaf file.

It's quite the same use than quicktime reference but with aaf we avoid the "mixdown" (we save time).

To be honest too, the real use is when you got very long program and you want to send it to validate.

At last, I already see different aaf file but impossible to know why. I found aaf Premiere file, aaf Avid file etc...As usual, each company creates her own product :(
Every aaf should be compatible but you know....

PS: unfortunately, for a good test you need to have aaf linked file WITH avid storage. Never mind,you can try with aaf linked with its "avid MediaFiles" folder, if you can succeed with it, we will be not far :)
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Re: AAF processing

Post by emcodem »

I see, thanks Benjamin :)
Just had a play with some aaf sdk and it seems plausible to support sequences to me. But still a lot of work, especially testing different sequences.
My plan would be to translate the sequence to an avisynth script file. But i see lots of problems and i am not sure if it is worth all the efforts.
I wonder what @ghatis has to say about all that
emcodem, wrapping since 2009 you got the rhyme?
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Re: AAF processing

Post by momocampo »

Don't worry emcodem, I know Ghtais now and we can communicate very easily.
You can begin by very simple sequence and we will see the result. Please don't hesitate to ask some aaf files if you need, It will be a pleasure to help.
Cheers ;)

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