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detinterlace node gives sync audio issues

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 4:12 pm
by Ghtais

I don't know if it is really a bug but when I put a deinterlace node in my workflow, the sound become out of sync progressively (1 stereo track or 2 mono tracks file)
I have tested with IMX d-10 and AVID DNxHD processor and it gives the same results, the sound is out of sync. If a delete the de interlace node the sound is fine.

My workflow is : Watch folder - A/V MEDIA - Deinterlace - IMX D10 - Folder
Very simple :)

I'am on windows 7 pro and I run FFAStrans version.

If someone have an idea, it could help.


Re: detinterlace node gives sync audio issues

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 9:21 pm
by admin

How is the "A/V Media"-decoder configured? Is it "Intelligent" or "Full decode"? Also, if you use some other encoder, do you still see the same behaviour?


Re: detinterlace node gives sync audio issues

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 11:10 am
by Ghtais
Hi steinar

It was set to "intelligent".
But before answer here I have done some other tests and it seems to be a little more complex.
In fact My workflow has two deinterlcae node.


In this configuration I'am out of sync whatever I set on the AC media node.
Now if i keep only one deinterlace node on one branch, and I change the setting on it : it works fine ! (the branch that has the deinterlace node of course)


I attach the workflow to see if you can reproduce the bug.
It completely drives me crazy :)


Re: detinterlace node gives sync audio issues

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 8:19 am
by emcodem
Hey Ghatis,

i imported and tested both branches of your workflow but i cannot reproduce any audio async issue using your workflow.
My input sequence is a audio sync test about 3,5 minutes.
Any further hints how to reproduce?

Re: detinterlace node gives sync audio issues

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 5:45 pm
by Ghtais
Hi Emcodem

thank you for your help.
I don't know what happen with this workflow. I will investigate more than I did at the end of my holiday.
I will try it on an other computer to see if i can reproduce this bug.
