This is the global configuration.

Global media cache

Here you set the global working directory of FFAStrans. This is where decoding take place so make sure it's big enough for all your task. This is used for farming environment.

Note: For shared media cache to work it MUST be pointed to a shared network path or SAN.

Use global shared media cache

Sets the working root directory shared with other hosts. This enables the hosts to cooperate on single jobs. The node(s) with most free resources will usually pick up where the previous left. This option does NOT imply distributed encoding of single media files.

Environment name

The name of the environment/farm. Just an arbitrary name without any implication on the functionality of FFAStrans.

Number of days to keep logs and files

Sets the maximum number of days to keep all files created by FFAStrans jobs and internal logs.

Note: This does NOT include the history for monitored files.