This decoder will create an AviSynth script, full with audio, prepared for the filters and any encoder. The video will be full frame, 32 bit RGB and there will be 32 silent audio channels.
Set length to
Lets you define length written in SMPTE time code style; HH:MM:SS:FF. That is HOUR:MINUTES:SECOND:FRAMES.
Set frames per second to
Here you set the desired frame rate. Note that video will always be progressive
Extract JPEG from RAW files
If this is checked, FFAStrans will try to extract jpegs embedded in RAW image files. These are the kind of raw image files you can get from DSLRs like Nikon, Canon, Sony, Samsung, etc.
Use x64 AviSynth
Forces the use of 64 bit version of AviSynth+.