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Color Conversion Filter


(Needs A/V Media decoder before this node). Converts between color spaces.

Color Spaces : RGB24 - RGB32 - YUV 420 - YUV 411 - YUV 422 - YUV 444
Color Matrix : Rec 601 - PC 601 - Rec 709 - PC 709
Level Conversion : None - 0-255→16-235 - 16-235→0-255 - Custom

Original Manual

This filter can change pixel format, color space and depth of video.

Pixel format

Sets the pixel format of the output video. YUV being standard for most video formats.

Bit depth

Sets the bit depth (RGB) or sampling precision (YUV) of the selected pixel format.

Color space

Converts video to desired colorspace.

Level conversion

Here you can convert between standard levels or set the desired output luminance level of the video. Ordinary consumer 8 bit video for TV tend to use 16-235 while computer video use full scale 0-255.

2019/12/09 16:19