Table of Contents


Variables are used to adapt and alter your workflow jobs to fit your output needs and incoming media. A variable is represented by a text string encapsulated with the percentage (%) character:
Example : %f_fps%, %username%, %s_original_name% etc…

Media Variables

%i_v_streams%Number of video streams (1).
%i_a_streams%Number of audio streams (4).
%i_a_bitrate%Audio bitrate of first audio stream (128).
%i_a_bit_depth%Bit depth of first audio stream (16).
%i_a_channels%Total number of audio channels (2).
%f_frame_rate%Frames per second (29.97).
%i_frames%Media length in frames (2600).
%i_height%Media video height of first video stream (1080).
%i_a_sample_rate%Audio sample rate of first audio stream (48000).
%f_duration%Media length in seconds (137.48).
%s_start_tc%Start TC of Media (01:13:48:20).
%i_v_bitrate%Video bitrate of first video stream (50000).
%s_v_codec%Codec of first video stream (mpeg2video).
%i_width%Media video width of first video stream (1920).
%s_duration_tc%Media duration as time code (00:05:10:12).
%s_a_codec%Codec of first audio stream (pcm_s16le).
%s_date_created%Creation date of media (2015-15-11 21:16:33).
%s_pixel_format%Pixel format of first video stream (yuv422p).
%f_start_sec%Start TC converted to seconds (2591.96).
%i_interlace%Field domination(0=Progressive, 1=Upper, 2=Lower (1)).
%s_v_codec_long%Long codec name of first video stream (Windows Media Video 2).
%s_a_codec_long%Long codec name of first audio stream (Advanced Audio Codec).
%s_format_long%Long format name of the container.
%s_format%Format name of the container.
%s_pix_aspect%Pixel aspect of the first video stream (16:9).
%s_disp_aspect%Display aspect of the first video stream (1:1).
%i_stc_hh%Start hour from TC.
%i_stc_mm%Start minute from TC.
%i_stc_ss%Start second from TC.
%i_stc_ff%Start frame from TC.
%i_v_first%Stream number of the first video stream.
%i_a_first%Stream number of the first audio stream.
%s_color_range%Color range of the first video.
%i_tot_channels%The total number of audio channels.
%s_color_space%Color space of the first video.
%s_color_trans%Color transfer of the first video.
%s_color_prim%Color primaries of the first video.
%i_intra%Checks if media is intra frame based. Return 1 if true, 0 otherwise.
%s_mxf_version%Checks the mxf version used in the MXF source.
%s_mxf_op%Find the operational pattern used in the MXF source.
%i_rotation%Find the rotation/orientation of the source media.
%s_a_layout%Return audio layout as array. First instance is number of channels in first audio stream, etc.
%s_v_profile%The profile of the first video stream.
%s_a_profile%The profile of the first audio stream.
%s_master_display%Master display info if present on PQ/HDR10 video.
%s_info_ffprobe%Complete media info from ffprobe in JSON format.
%s_info_exiftool%Complete media info from exiftool in JSON format.
%s_info_mediainfo%Complete media info from mediainfo in JSON format.
%i_max_fall%Maximum program average frame light level in nits.
%i_max_cll%Maximum program light level in nits.

File Variables

%s_original_attrib%Attributes of the original file (RASH).
%s_original_full%Full path original file name as picket up by monitor or manually submitted.
%s_original_ext%Original extension.
%s_original_name%Original filename without extension and path.
%s_original_path%Path of original file.
%s_original_folder%Path of original without drive or UNC.
%s_recursed_path%Path of original without drive/UNC, monitored path and filename.
%s_original_path~n%Folder name n-steps backwards.
%i_original_size%File size of original in bytes.
%s_original_date%Creation date of original file (YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss).
%i_original_year%Creation year of original file.
%i_original_mon%Creation month of original file.
%i_original_day%Creation month day of original file.
%i_original_hour%Creation hour of original file.
%i_original_min%Creation minute of original file.
%i_original_sec%Creation second of original file.
%s_original_drive%Drive or UNC server of the original file.
%s_pickup_file%Full path to the original file picked up by the monitors.

Time Variables

%i_year%Full year (2016).
%i_yr%Short year (16).
%i_mon%Month (01-12).
%i_mday%Day of month (01-31).
%i_wday%Numeric day of week. Starting on Sunday (1) through Saturday (7).
%i_yday%Current day of year. Range is 001 to 366 (or 001 to 365 if not a leap year).
%i_hour%Hour (23).
%i_min%Minute (59).
%i_sec%Second (59).
%s_week_day%Weekday name going Sunday to Saturday.
%s_month%Month name going January to December.
%s_w_day%Abbrevated weekday name going Sun. to Sat.
%s_mon%Abbrevated month name going Jan. to Dec.
%i_week%Week number of the year.
%i_msec%Millisecond (346).

FFAStrans Variables

%s_job_id%GUID identifier for the current job (20160219-202314-181-4693BFCC0A72).
%s_job_work%Work folder for the current job (D:\_ffas_workroot\2015052120481\20160219-202314-181-4693BFCC0A72).
%s_wf_id%Identifier for the current workflow (20150521204819).
%s_wf_name%Name of the current workflow (Untitled).
%s_node_name%Name of the current working processor node (XDCAM-HD).
%s_source%Full path to the file work file passed by FFAStrans processors.
%s_root_work%Path to the global root work directory.
%s_ffastrans_dir%Path to the local FFAStrans.exe file.
%s_ffmpeg%Full path to the ffmpeg.exe file.
%s_ffmpegx64%Full path to the ffmpegx64.exe file.
%s_prev_node%Name of the previous processor node.
%s_error%Current error message/state.
%s_cache_record%Full path to the cache history record file created by the monitors.
%s_source_dir%Path to the files passed by some FFAStrans processors.