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Variables are used to adapt and alter your workflow jobs to fit your output needs and incoming media. A variable is represented by a text string encapsulated with the percentage (%)character:

%f_fps%, %username%, %s_original_name% etc.

FFAStrans has 6 types of variables:

File properties

Media properties



FFAStrans variables


FFAStrans variables are always prefixed with a "s_" (string), "i_" (integer) or "f_" (float):

Examples: %s_v_codec%, %i_height%, %f_fps%.

To insert a variable click the arrow-button next to a text field. All fields that has an arrow next to it supports variables.

File variables

File properties are derived from the original input file. ALL files has these properties so they will always be populated with data.

Note: The variable"%s_original_full%" when coming from the "FTP"-monitor will not work when attempted used in FFAStrans as a Windows path.

Media variables

Media properties are derived from the original input file. Different types of media can contain different kind of properties. E.g. a wave file does not have height or video bitrate. Properties that cannot be populated is disregarded.

OS variables/statics

These variables, also called system environments, are the ones that resides within the OS independent of FFAStrans. But all can be utilized within FFAStrans. E.g. the variable %username% is a part of the OS variables. OS variables are in fact statics that don't change from job to job, or workflow to workflow. But be aware that they might vary on hosts in a farming environment.

Time variables

These are a selection of time variables read from the system time.

System variables

These are variables generated by FFAStrans. E.g. %s_wf_name% holds the name of the workflow on where the job runs.

User variables/statics

There are two kind of user variables. "Variables" and "Statics".


User variables are populated using the "Populate variables"-node within a workflow. See help for that node.


Creating statics are very handy for e.g. representing a very long path in a short static. Example:  

%S_MS_OUTPUT%=D:\Media\Customer previews\Huge important company\720p\Windows Media Video\500k bitrate with watermark

Statics never change unless you do it yourself.

Special variables

There is currently one variable that behave a bit different than others:

%s_original_path~n% = Folder name n-steps backwards.

Example: If the input source is "\\VIDEONAS\share\inbound\canon\mts-video\00003. MTS"

%original_path~1% = "mts-video"

%original_path~2% = "canon"

%original_path~4% = "share"

%s_source% represent the input source for any processor. It can be altered using the "Populate variables"-node.

%s_success% represent the "Success" message upon job completion. It can be altered using the"Populate variables"-node but not retrieved.

%s_error% represent the error message upon job failure. It can be altered using the"Populate variables"-node.

original_manual/variables.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/27 10:20 by

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