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Resize Filter


Resize video/stills.

Video Size 4K(4096×2160) - UHD(3840×2160) - QHD+(3200×1800) - QHD(2560×1440) - 2K(2048×1080) - FHD(1920×1080) - FHD(1440×1080) - HD(1280×720) - HD(960×720) - PAL(720×576) - NTSC(720×480) - Custom - Percent
Quality Point - Bilinear - Bicubic - Lanczos - Sinc - Spline64

Original Manual

Video size

A set of predefined valid frame sizes. You can also make custom size. If you select "Percent" the"Width" and "Height" values will be relative to the original. Please note that the scaling is NOT gonna be AR Aware.

Pixel aspect

Sets the pixel aspect (PAR) on the output media.


Sets the resizing kernel used to resize; different kernels have different properties; "PointResize" being the worst of all, whereas "NNEDI3" being best for upcaling and, "SinPowResize" being best for down scaling.

Note: If NNEDI3 is selected for down-scaling, it will be substituted with "SinPow" resize as NNEDI3 only does up-scaling.

Interlaced input

If you set this option, FFAStrans will force interlace aware scaling. Supports variables.

2019/12/09 16:19
processors/filters_resize.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/31 17:38 by benjamin

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