Error Code 6 the handle is invalid

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Error Code 6 the handle is invalid

Post by silicontrip »

I'm not sure if this is a configuration issue or a bug but I am getting the following error during the delivery part of the transcode:

Code: Select all

Getting error code 6  -  The handle is invalid, when trying to deliver "C:\videos\test_video.mxf"
The destination folder exists and is writable by the current user.

Does anyone know what this means and how to resolve it, thanks

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Re: Error Code 6 the handle is invalid

Post by admin »

Hi Mark, thank you for using FFAStrans and welcome to the forum! :-)

First, does this happen with all files? Also, can you please try some other destination, preferably on other drives or maybe a network share? You can also try an momentarily turn off your antivirus to see if it has any effect.

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Re: Error Code 6 the handle is invalid

Post by silicontrip »

I had been searching for a transcoding solution like this and had been looking at tools by Adobe, Sorrenson, Main Concept and Imagine.
I ended up building a system around Adobe Media Encoder. I didn't find this tool until I was searching to see if it was possible to use ffmpeg as part of an input chain for Adobe Media Encoder.

The error occurs on all input files. I've tried different destinations. Even deleted the delivery processor and added it back to the chain.
I tried a network folder and still encounter the problem.

I've also tried to use an FTP deliveries processor and got the message "could not set the destination directory to" I was able to see on the ftp server that despite the ftp processor configuration path beginning with / (root directory) the ftp processor was appending the path to the login directory.
Once I resolved the path issue. FFAStrans monitor says success but no file is written to the ftp server. The FTP server sees the connect and the change directory and then the network connection is terminated.

Is there a debug log for FFAStrans?


Re: Error Code 6 the handle is invalid

Post by Guest »

I've discovered the problem is that the source file name in the "ticket".ini file has an additional .mxf extension.


Code: Select all

but the file on disk only has 1 .mxf extension.

I started processor manually with an edited ticket ini and the file was delivered successfully.

I've found an entry in the log that appears to be creating a file with the additional extension, but I cannot see the output file on disk.

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==> 2016-09-23 14:12:56.442 on XDCAM-HD@NGTVD04669, PID: 12064 -> _RunLog(C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c ""C:\Users\mheath\Downloads\FFAStrans0.7.6_Win32\Processors\mxf_tools\bmxtranswrap.exe" -o "c:\.ffastrans_work_root\20160922150016\20160923-141227-754-F83411174C47\~20160923-141237-272-3D5DDC050CB1.mxf.mxf" "c:\.ffastrans_work_root\20160922150016\20160923-141227-754-F83411174C47\~20160923-141237-272-3D5DDC050CB1.mxf",c:\.ffastrans_work_root\20160922150016\20160923-141227-754-F83411174C47\~enc_av_xdcamhd_20160922-151444-067-363766C26D0E_trans_141256442.txt,2,2)
==> 2016-09-23 14:12:56.446 on XDCAM-HD@NGTVD04669, PID: 12064 -> _WaitForResources(Waiting for resources...)
==> 2016-09-23 14:12:56.450 on XDCAM-HD@NGTVD04669, PID: 12064 -> _WaitForResources(Waiting for resources...) ==> Resources obtained.
==> 2016-09-23 14:12:56.485 on XDCAM-HD@NGTVD04669, PID: 12064 -> ProcessorEnd_Routine(enc_av_xdcamhd 20160922-151444-067-363766C26D0E)
==> 2016-09-23 14:12:56.497 on XDCAM-HD@NGTVD04669, PID: 12064 -> Ending process...
==> 2016-09-23 14:12:56.497 on XDCAM-HD@NGTVD04669, PID: 12064 -> 
I don't appear to have the bmxtranswrap.exe on my machine. I only have MXFDump.exe and raw2bmx.exe in the mxf_tools directory. I cannot find bmxtranswrap anywhere in the FFAStrans0.7.6 directory tree.

I downloaded and copied the binary in there manually, but I don't know if it's the correct binary as I'm getting a different error now and delivery of a 19k MXF file.

Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Error Code 6 the handle is invalid

Post by admin »

Hi Mark,

Don't pay attention to the double .mxf's. It's not an error and it's not related to your problem. What's more worrying is that i forgot to distribute the bmxtranswrap tool :-( Sorry about that!
The binary you downloaded is probably just fine.

Can you please send me your workflow so I can investigate? Also, if it's possible for you to share with me a short sample of the media you're trying to convert. If not then that's fine but I would at least like to know the media properties.

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Re: Error Code 6 the handle is invalid

Post by silicontrip »

The source files are nothing special, the majority are simply H264/AAC/MP4. I have encountered some files which are causing encoding problems, but I'll raise this in a different post after we get XDCAM output working.
We tried different output processors (h264/aac/mp4, DNxHD/MXF and XDCAM/MOV) without issue.

I built the simplest workflow I could, for testing source and compatibility with our playout system.
Folder -> AV/Media -> XDCAM -> Folder

this is the command I see is running;

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C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c ""C:\Users\mheath\Downloads\FFAStrans0.7.6_Win32\Processors\mxf_tools\bmxtranswrap.exe" -o "c:\.ffastrans_work_root\20160922150016\20160923-172741-495-70B7DB8CB4F1\~20160923-172744-902-958CA338DC54.mxf.mxf" "c:\.ffastrans_work_root\20160922150016\20160923-172741-495-70B7DB8CB4F1\~20160923-172744-902-958CA338DC54.mxf"
bmxtranswrap defaults to type as02 (I thought we want op1a) as02 produces a directory (which it calls a bundle) with the double .mxf extension containing demuxed mxf streams. This does not look right to me.

section from bmxtranswrap help

Code: Select all

  -t <type>               Clip type: as02, as11op1a, as11d10, op1a, avid, d10, wave. Default is as02
* -o <name>               as02: <name> is a bundle name
                          as11op1a/as11d10/op1a/d10/wave: <name> is a filename
                          avid: <name> is a filename prefix
which is producing, the bundle

Code: Select all

 Directory of C:\.ffastrans_work_root\20160922150016\20160923-144925-392-687F09DE227C\~20160923-144934-852-6B32C1F283CF.mxf.mxf

23/09/2016  02:49 PM    <DIR>          .
23/09/2016  02:49 PM    <DIR>          ..
23/09/2016  02:49 PM             2,608 manifest.xml
23/09/2016  02:49 PM    <DIR>          media
23/09/2016  02:49 PM               246 shim.xml
23/09/2016  02:49 PM            18,706 ~20160923-144934-852-6B32C1F283CF.mxf.mxf.mxf
               3 File(s)         21,560 bytes

 Directory of C:\.ffastrans_work_root\20160922150016\20160923-144925-392-687F09DE227C\~20160923-144934-852-6B32C1F283CF.mxf.mxf\media

23/09/2016  02:49 PM    <DIR>          .
23/09/2016  02:49 PM    <DIR>          ..
23/09/2016  02:49 PM         1,948,471 ~20160923-144934-852-6B32C1F283CF.mxf.mxf_a0.mxf
23/09/2016  02:49 PM         1,948,471 ~20160923-144934-852-6B32C1F283CF.mxf.mxf_a1.mxf
23/09/2016  02:49 PM         1,948,471 ~20160923-144934-852-6B32C1F283CF.mxf.mxf_a2.mxf
23/09/2016  02:49 PM         1,948,471 ~20160923-144934-852-6B32C1F283CF.mxf.mxf_a3.mxf
23/09/2016  02:49 PM        27,844,006 ~20160923-144934-852-6B32C1F283CF.mxf.mxf_v0.mxf
               5 File(s)     35,637,890 bytes

     Total Files Listed:
               8 File(s)     35,659,450 bytes
               5 Dir(s)  296,711,540,736 bytes free
I would expect these files to be remux-ed back together but instead it just appears to try and copy the directory.
I now get the error

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Getting error code 3 - the system cannot find the path specified, when trying to deliver "\\server\path\m-mh-dachsunddash-24-d.mxf\media"
At first I only see these files delivered in the output directory

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24/09/2016  01:39 PM            18,706 m-mh-dachsunddash-24-d.mxf
24/09/2016  01:39 PM             2,609 m-mh-dachsunddash-24-d.xml
But when the deliveries processor has counted down from 50 to 0, I see these files (do have unique file ticked in the processor)
The _5 version of the media appears to be correct.

Code: Select all

24/09/2016  01:39 PM         2,960,471 m-mh-dachsunddash-24-d_2.mxf
24/09/2016  01:39 PM               246 m-mh-dachsunddash-24-d_1.xml
24/09/2016  01:39 PM       135,798,699 m-mh-dachsunddash-24-d_5.mxf
24/09/2016  01:39 PM         2,960,471 m-mh-dachsunddash-24-d_3.mxf
24/09/2016  01:39 PM            18,706 m-mh-dachsunddash-24-d.mxf
24/09/2016  01:39 PM             2,609 m-mh-dachsunddash-24-d.xml
24/09/2016  01:39 PM         2,960,471 m-mh-dachsunddash-24-d_4.mxf
24/09/2016  01:39 PM         2,960,471 m-mh-dachsunddash-24-d_1.mxf
               8 File(s)    147,662,144 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  10,850,709,252,096 bytes free
I got a bit fooled when I saw the error code 3 and manually aborted the job. I can see that the correct file does eventually appear, but it's named incorrectly and other files are also delivered. It doesn't appear to be working as expected.
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Re: Error Code 6 the handle is invalid

Post by silicontrip »

I've just checked the resulting file and it has no audio.

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Re: Error Code 6 the handle is invalid

Post by admin »

I'm very sorry you're have problems with this but the way you describe the behavior is far from what I'm seeing in my setup. Now, maybe your build of bmxtranswrap.exe is very different from mine so I'm posting the same version I've been testing with. Also, I need to know your "XDCAM-HD"-node configuration.

Thanks for reporting your issues! :-)

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Re: Error Code 6 the handle is invalid

Post by silicontrip »

That version of bmxtranswrap is much newer than the version I had downloaded. Although I thought I had downloaded it from the official site it was dated 2012 so I thought it hadn't been updated in ages.

This has resolved the MXF transcoding problems.

Thanks for responding so quickly.

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